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  1. C

    Decision is Made

    PM means private message. click on my name and choose to send me a private message. I think Cochlear is currently in a recall. I have no info on MedEl. I talked an expert on CI's and basically he said that the recalls are the result of leakage... not leaking into the body, but the body...
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    Decision is Made

    CreatedNat, I have the AB CI right now. so I am talking from that experience. Each of the three companies (AB, Cochlear, MedEl) have advantages and disadvantages. MedEl is a lot more prevalent in Europe where they are the number one Implanted device. AB is the top in the U.S. MedEl's only...
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    Deaf party - all welcome!!!

    This party has run its course. I had fun and I hope you all had fun too. Take care, drive safely, and for The love of GOD take some food home with you!!! Er, no, you can leave the booze :giggle: Thanks again! Good night! PS. Don't reply to this thread... If you want another party like this...
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    CBE, I have more respect for you than just about anyone I have ever met on line. You rock! :(
  5. C

    Does CI affect some nerves?

    Stress can add complications to any surgery. stress on the body can produce weird things. It can even uncover issues that might be hiding in the background.
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    Annoying ignorant hearing people stories

    Wirelessly posted (Backberry) If I wasn't already butt sore from the flight, I might have taken them up on the free ride offer. He he he. Some days its so good to be wrong! :)
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    What are you thinking about? Part V

    Wirelessly posted (Backberry) :hug:
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    Does CI affect some nerves?

    Drphil, you are a one-in-a-million. And I mean that in a very nice way.
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    Does CI affect some nerves?

    No liquids don't like to stay on one side. I can usually keep solids to one side for a while. But once some of it moves over or saliva starts in, I get the powerful metallic taste again. Also my jaw gets tired of chewing on only one side all the time. Every person has a different...
  10. C

    Hard of hearing, need advice

    Since you have an open door policy, you can have a little fun with it. Every time an employee comes in to speak with you, thank them loudly for stopping by and to please close the door. Have your little meeting and when they walk out loudly tell them to send in the next one. Then smile and go...
  11. C

    Annoying ignorant hearing people stories

    I got one just happened today... I fact it happened twice today. I flew Delta for a business trip and when I got off the first aircraft there was a wheelchair waiting for me. I thought it was funny and just ignored it. I transferred to another plane and arrived at my destination. When I got...
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    Annoying ignorant hearing people stories

    So you refuse to return to the park because of something that happened even though they fixed the problem? Am I missing something here?
  13. C

    Random Vents.....

    There are traps you can put out for those bugs.
  14. C

    Deaf party - all welcome!!!

    They will be as soon as I play my "special" music! He he he. It's all part of a new service I have been secretly experimenting with. Introducing hearing people the deaf world... Two ear at a time! He he, let's see how this new group reacts!?!? Y'all might want to take one or two steps...
  15. C

    Deaf party - all welcome!!!

    Wirelessly posted (Backberry) Very fast indeed! But I'm trying to fly and keep up with AD on my cell and its not easy. So, here is all the pizza and I think a van full of college guys and girls have also just arrived. Oh boy!!!
  16. C

    teaching myself to sign...<3

    Wirelessly posted (Backberry) I loved reading your story. I've posed parts of my story here too so you are in good company. I love that you are making a life for yourself, a life that I know you will have pride in yourself. I've always believed that the oly barriers in life are the ones we...
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    teaching myself to sign...<3

    Wirelessly posted (Backberry) I've known some deaf that are dyslix. They only had an issue with english not ASL. I suspect it may be similar for you (to Lyn). I say go for it and remain open to new ideas and ways of being. Joining the deaf is like going to another country with a different...
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    fluent ASL user in your ASL class.

    Wirelessly posted (Backberry) I've sat in on classes before. The teacher loved it because she can put her trouble students with me for practice time. I'm very patient with them :D
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    HA or CI Phone

    Wirelessly posted (Backberry) I've had mixed results. Best was with a land line phone and a head set while using both CI and HA... Now no longer use a HA so its more challenging on the phone. I only use a cell phone with a few people I know I can understand.
  20. C

    Model of CI?

    Wirelessly posted (Backberry) Only Advanced Bionics and Cochlear are worth looking at. I have Advanced Bionics and am very pleased. The company is very responsive to inquiry and parts. I needed a part on travel and I received it the next morning. I've heard customer service is not as good...