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  1. R

    Which one is better, Phonak Naida IX UP or Oticon Chili 9:

    FWIW, the Naidas are also Bluetooth capable with the ICom and to the TV via the TVLink. I personally have had little problem with the ICom. Sure, there are minor annoyances and the battery life could be better but I manage with charging the Icon at work and at home as needed. I am interested...
  2. R

    Digital Phonak NAIDAS 9 UP

    I see some duplication issues here with the zoom feature on both the Smartzoom vs. the 9X Naida zoom features. Also, if one has the ICom, doesn't the Smartzoom contradict the bluetooth features on the TVlink/ICom options? It sounds as if the Smartzoom is hardwired to the TV and needs to be set...
  3. R

    iCom experience?

    Regarding the charging with the ICom, I need to charge it every 5-6 hours if I use it all day. Between my cell phone, office landline, TV and computer, it is an energy hog. I charge it at my desk, in front of the TV and out of my car as needed. It only takes 30-40 minutes to charge it fairly...
  4. R

    Phonak Naida V UP questions

    My new Naidas have three manual program options plus the default automatic one. I have one manual program set for music, another for T-Coil, and the third is a mute, I am at a quagmire about how to have the audi configure the last manual program for me. Any suggestions? My second question is...
  5. R


    Some individuals do not have English as their primary language and using a Ubideo with a hearing person cna be arward compared to using ASL terps. Richard Fr. Monterey
  6. R

    New digitals

    I'm a 55+ year HA user. I understand the Phonaks, like the Naidas, I am trying now are very linear in its algorithim for sound processing, hence it duplicates the analog "sound." I didn't like earlier versions of digitals from 10 years ago and my last set, phonas analog processor/digital...