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  1. C

    tooth treatment and CI

    Thank you all, you have been of great help. Think J will talk to our CI adjustment doctor from Hungary. If any one knows where to find any study about this issue on the net please inform me. Once again THANKS
  2. C

    tooth treatment and CI

    The problem is that J did not find any professional paper that write about this issue, and that explains connection between CI, maxiofacialis nerve , tooth nerve and toot and their mutual relation.
  3. C

    tooth treatment and CI

    Sorry, but J am from Serbia, and here CI is on a low branches....We did surgery 6 years ago in Germany, but here there is no doctors who knows a lot thing about it. The problem is that J can not find any professional paper that explain connection between CI, maxiofacialis nerve, tooth nerve...
  4. C

    tooth treatment and CI

    Thanks, Hope you are wright
  5. C

    tooth treatment and CI

    J am talking about drilling the toot, and killing the nerve inside, and putting the cure and etc...
  6. C

    tooth treatment and CI

    Sorry if this is not a wright place for this question, but J need to ask if anyone knows is there any danger for my young child with CI, to do the tooth treatment considering of the facial nerve. J am worried if something can happened and to damage facial nerve or maybe even cause some problem...