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  1. J

    Frustrations on VPs and DSL issues.

    oh i noticed you ask me on the friend's house, I know someone who have same connection, it is the ISP's DNS servers mainly. And i asked my local friend and the servers are like 5 miles away and it is probly why it is why it won't work because I'm too far to their servers :). I'd move out...
  2. J

    Frustrations on VPs and DSL issues.

    That's ok. I was just curious anyways on dlink part. And explain more on MPOE. I live in the trailer. My current router's setting is now portfowarded instead of DMZ, DMZ is slow, but i try it out and noticed portfowarding is slow than dmz, and i use to dmz it and it is fast. which is odd so i...
  3. J

    Frustrations on VPs and DSL issues.

    Yes, DSL filters are brand new and everything is new. And even exchanged the modem, no help. Guess it is the relay box thing is too far to me. I guess I'll have to move back to the city just to get cable internet which i hate. And we have DirecTV and it is not connect to the phone >_>. So it is...
  4. J

    Frustrations on VPs and DSL issues.

    Hello. I have hard time with the videophones I tried. I tried VP-200 for years, but it seems keep lagging a lot, even my DSL is maxed out. And called and found out they messed it up and they keep fixing, it was fine few weeks ago and now it happens again >_>. I had tried many products and I...