Search results

  1. C

    ASL Student in need of opinions about CI

    Thank you all so much for responding so quickly! You have given me a lot of information and i'm finding more and more information on the internet. :) I have actually asked my mom if she had any of my hearing tests from elementary school because I want to know more about my hearing loss. I've...
  2. C

    ASL Student and not sure what to call myself

    Hello everyone! My name is Chelsea, obviously :). I am a 1st level ASL student here in Iowa and i have been thinking about going into interpreting. I enjoy this language very much and have taught my children a little of what i know. I am also doing a research paper on Cochlear Implants so if...
  3. C

    ASL Student in need of opinions about CI

    Hello everyone. I am an ASL student and have to write a research paper on Cochlear Implants. I am wanting to get some feedback from the Deaf community about CI's. How does the community feel about them? Are they accepted? Any information you have on them would be greatly appriciated! Just...