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  1. K me.

    He also lost his ability to speak, and it made him slightly mentally challenged. He can speak with sign language....but still. :tears:
  2. K me.

    Thanks. =) Genetic hearing loss does NOT run in my family, actually. So, I guess I'm safe for now. The only guy in family who is deaf is my great uncle, but the poor guy caught a disease when he was only a child, so it made him go deaf. =/
  3. K me.

    Hi, everybody! Eveyrbody: Hi, Kool Hooded Guy! Um, hello....heh heh.... Uh, hi there. Well, unlike many of the people of this peaceful messageboard, I am not deaf, and I show no signs of least....I don't think so. But, I do have a question....or questions. You see, when...
  4. K


    I'm not deaf, never have been. My hearing is fine, although I do have some concerns. Just a 16/17 year old with a good sense of humor and intelligence. How is everyone? :wave: