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  1. S

    Guess Apple Tablet

    I watched Steve Jobs introduce the Ipad and it sure would take a lot of weight off me when flying, or in my children's book bags. I am not sure how it would react when surfing sites that have Flash Player content on it. I am not sure, but read something about it not supporting Flash Player...
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    DVD says CC, but does not have Closed Captioning

    RonJaxon, I would be okay with trying your suggestion if I can feed the DVD movie or TV series with the downloaded subtitles through to the HDTV, which has the HDMI cables. I do not see my family sitting around the laptop watching the movie or TV series that they have purchased for me...
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    DVD says CC, but does not have Closed Captioning

    Still not resolved... RonJaxon - I just put the DVD Tv Series in my laptop and ran it through VLC player. I think perhaps you misunderstood my problem. The TV Series that is on the DVD is closed captioned with a 3 subtitles that are not English subtitles. So, VLC does have options to...
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    DVD says CC, but does not have Closed Captioning

    Ron Jaxon - excuse me, I think I misread your message. My new question for you is if the DVD that I have for TV Series on it does not have English subtitles, how is VLC player going to do it? I just downloaded VLC on my laptop. I will see what I can figure out.
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    DVD says CC, but does not have Closed Captioning

    VamPyrox - Is that RCA Digital TV Converter you are referring to? RonJaxon - I found a link to download VLC for free. So are u downloading to ur laptop and then running the DVD movie from ur PC connected to ur HDTV for closed captioning when English subtitles are not on the DVD movie, but...
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    DVD says CC, but does not have Closed Captioning

    My research so far .... I went to Best Buy Geek Squad. Two of the guys and myself went to their home movie theater area. We did a lot of testing on different DVD & BR players. After we all figured it out, THEN the manager from the back told one of them he already knew what we had just...
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    DVD says CC, but does not have Closed Captioning

    I never thought of it that way, but you did clarify it. My question still is not answered. How can I get closed captioning from the DVDs that specify CC on the outside container. I see a pattern that I am getting stuck into when the DVD is subtitled in every language except English and is...
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    DVD says CC, but does not have Closed Captioning

    If I am correct, is there some way for me to get closed captioning to work?
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    DVD says CC, but does not have Closed Captioning

    It is HDMI cables, but like I said, Best Buy tech spent a lot of time with making sure captioning worked and it does with the TV programs. It sounds like closed captioning on DVD or Blue Rays won't work through HDMI cables, but will work for TV programs.
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    DVD says CC, but does not have Closed Captioning

    Closed Captioning is what I believe is when the black background has white text. Subtitiles do not have the black background. Correct me if I am wrong. Our upstairs set up is Panasonic HDTV & Samsung DVD player Downstairs is Samsung HDTV plasma with Samsung Blue Ray. Best Buy set up both...
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    DVD says CC, but does not have Closed Captioning

    Yes, all our TVs handle closed captioning. In regards to Banjo's reply, what are you doing that I am not doing to see all of the Simpson's season's closed captioned? Then we bought three seasons of The Nanny for Christmas and same thing, says it is closed captioned, but it is not. Same...
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    DVD says CC, but does not have Closed Captioning

    We purchased a 3 season set of a favorite TV show. The container says CC and subtitles in 3 different languages, but not English. The subtitles for foreign languages work, but none are English. Then the closed captioning does not work at all. There is nothing in the setup menu to turn on...
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    Closed Captioned Fitness DVDs

    tae-bo I just looked at tae-bo online. Looks like you have to have very good balance to stand on one leg that long and be kicking upward repeatedly. It looks good, but I would probably tip over. Can you do tae-bo? I don't understand why so many fitness DVDs are captioned on the cover...
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    HDTV and Closed Captioning

    Concerned about our future TV hookup in Feb We have 2 TVs. The one we will be replacing is about 20 yrs old, so it can't do closed captioning. I have been excited about the replacement, a Samsung 46" LCD HDTV that Best Buy is going to wall mount Feb 24th. That is when the TV comes in. I...
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    Closed Captioned Fitness DVDs

    Not getting any responses Well after 40 something people have read my post and not one response, so I guess I have not hit the right cord with anyone yet. Hmmmm.
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    Closed Captioned Fitness DVDs

    I would like to know if anyone knows of any fitness DVDs on the market that are CC. I have looked in our very well financed library system. I have bought numerous DVDs that have the "CC" marked on the cover jacket, but really are not closed captioned. I don't know why manufacturer puts "CC"...