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  1. E

    What would you do if you had a blind child?

    Just had an interesting thought. What if you had sighted Deaf parents with a hearing blind child? What would be the best approach for language development and having a good connection with the parents? Would you try to figure out a way to sign with them like tactile sign or using whatever...
  2. E

    Depressed father drowned Deaf & Blind toddler

    I would be even more hesitant about sending a child with severe/complex issues to a care home, actually. Many of these kids, the way they communicate is unique to only them, so only people who have spent a lot of time with them can understand them. And child abusers love to work in care homes...
  3. E

    Disability Identity Survey

    Hi, I'm a hearing autistic person. I'm doing a survey about how people diagnosed with various disabilities view their condition. If you want to fill it out, go here: Survey - Disability Identity Questionnaire