Search results

  1. H

    Want to be prudent but not paranoid - your opinion?

    Okay, you all. I finally googled CAPD and it describes not only my son but my brother, my (ex)husband, and our older daughter as well. @@ There appears to be quite an overlap among this and autism, ad(h)d, etc.
  2. H

    Want to be prudent but not paranoid - your opinion?

    Thank you for your thoughts. =o) The auditory processing disorder - that sounds familiar, instead of what I called it. He would pick up certain phrases incorrectly (it took forever to teach him what "turn the page" really meant). One night he kept crying for his "commercial," which ended up...
  3. H

    Want to be prudent but not paranoid - your opinion?

    Hello, we're wondering about our son's ability to hear, and noises that he hears in his ears. At age two, he regressed into autism, but is mostly recovered. For awhile his receptive hearing was messed up... If we were reading a book and told him to "turn the page," he would get up and go push...