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  1. S

    Quick One Question Survey

    Hey I'm pretty new here and I wanted to get the opinions of a few Deaf people about something I've wondered about. Question: In general if you meet a hearing person who is learning ASL and interested in the Deaf community what is you first thought about them? I wonder this because I am that...
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    Thanks for the welcome. I live in central Ohio about thirty minutes away from the nearest city, Columbus.
  3. S


    Thank you all for the welcome and suggestions.
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    I live in central Ohio about thirty minutes away from Columbus.
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    Hi, I just want to introduce myself. I am a hearing girl and have become interested in ASL. I am learning ASL and would like to get involved in the Deaf community because I would like to someday have a job as a teacher or interpreter. If you have any suggestions on how I could get involved...