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  1. kokonut

    Gallaudet Graduate Student - Cochlear Implant Controversy Presentation

    No. They simply believed it was worthwhile to vote for it
  2. kokonut

    Buying rape insurance in Michigan

    And what state would that be?
  3. kokonut

    Buying rape insurance in Michigan

    I know some women who carry rape's called a gun. And they know how to use it' too.
  4. kokonut

    Gallaudet Graduate Student - Cochlear Implant Controversy Presentation

    It is quite fascinating to see how things have changed over the last 30 years regarding accessibility and even more so over the last ten years with the help of technology and services.
  5. kokonut

    Gallaudet Graduate Student - Cochlear Implant Controversy Presentation Majority of those "Repubs" voted for the ADA. in fact, Pres. George H. Bush signed the ADA into law. A little history helps to get the facts straight. Most people are increasingly supportive of the ADA nowadays.
  6. kokonut

    Gallaudet Graduate Student - Cochlear Implant Controversy Presentation

    Not in the interest of deaf people?? Says who? You alone or anybody else do not represent all deaf and hh people. THere are many deaf and hh people who benefitted from hearing technology and are in the interest of many, not all, but many deaf and hh people whether it is ci, hearing aids...
  7. kokonut

    Now, this is a strong chick

    Arching the back is fine. Rules are the same for both sexes.
  8. kokonut

    Now, this is a strong chick

    Having been in the powerlifting, bench press, and strongman games for awhile the benching rules states that both of your back shoulder blades and bottom (bum) must remain in contact with the bench at all times throughout the benching process. THe bar must be unracked alone. Must wait until one...
  9. kokonut

    Union group storms into a Walmart

    Which is funny because we have laws in place to help and protect workers. I dont think having a union is absolutely required in all cases.
  10. kokonut

    Union group storms into a Walmart

    I have been aware of that for a longtime.
  11. kokonut

    Fake Hate Crime Report

    Reminds me of Whip Whitaker (Denzel Washington) in the movie "Flight" where he is a serial liar who lied to cover up his addiction to cocaine and alcohol. Watched it last night, too. Everything came to a halt when he realized he could no longer keep lying and freed himself from the shackles of...
  12. kokonut

    Union group storms into a Walmart

    It wasn't about refusing to pay but a matter of how they categorized their employees as such like "exempt" and how overtime calculations were done. Walmart has paid overtime (had a few friends who worked and got overtime) in the past and today. Walmart Corporate - Wal-Mart Corrects Pay...
  13. kokonut

    Thanksgiving Shopping Is Illegal In These 3 States

    Gonna shop using your Capital One credit card?
  14. kokonut

    Thanksgiving Shopping Is Illegal In These 3 States

    I do not go shopping on Black Friday at all. I see no use or value by doing that.
  15. kokonut

    Fake Hate Crime Report

    Dishonorably discharged. Waitress in Anti-Gay Note Dispute Was Dishonorably Discharged From Marines: Source | NBC New York Wow. A serial liar?
  16. kokonut

    Gallaudet Graduate Student - Cochlear Implant Controversy Presentation

    Funny you should say that because there are people who purposely sign "cochlear implant" using the index and 2nd finger curved and place them on the neck slightly behind the ear and below (which closely resembles one of the sign for "Frankenstein" with one of the bolt sticking out of the neck)...
  17. kokonut

    Union group storms into a Walmart

    There is also Sam's Club, too.
  18. kokonut

    Union group storms into a Walmart

    Very astute, Reba.
  19. kokonut

    Fake Hate Crime Report

    Could she get in trouble with the law? I would think the said accused person/couple could sue her and/or the restaurant for defamation?