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  1. Kaylee.368

    Deaf culture - do's and don'ts, etc. Let's make a list!

    I am HOH and I pretty much only surround myself with people who are patient. It gives me a lot of anxiety to ask people to repeat themselves, especially in class/at work. Try to be as patient as possible because as frustrating it is to repeat yourself, imagine living everyday having to ask...
  2. Kaylee.368

    ASL practice friends?

    I am HOH and new to ASL, I just started to learn, but I am so interested in it and I've been trying to pick it up quickly. Would love to practice over zoom!
  3. Kaylee.368

    Just recently diagnosed with severe hearing loss. Looking to learn ASL (:

    I was diagnosed two years ago with severe to profound high frequency hearing loss. I can't hear fire alarms, and it is getting extremely overwhelming even to hangout with my friends in a group setting. Looking for an outlet to deal with feeling like an outcast I guess, and stop thinking so...