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    Books on Deaf Culture as mentioned by AllDeaf users

    Three books that I'm reading for a Deaf studies class are: Open Your Eyes: Deaf Studies Talking Deaf Gain: Raising the Stakes for Human Diversity Deaf World
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    Deaf chat in Johnstown, NY

    For those close to Fulton-Montgomery Community College in Johnstown, NY. I want to invite you to Deaf Chat on March 4, 2022, at 7 PM. Come mingle with the Deaf community in our area!
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    ASL Buddy

    I've taken ASL 1 and 2! I would love to help!
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    Need help with statistics and probability

    There are tutorials on YouTube that might help if you know what you are looking for. I hope that this helps! Best of luck
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    Hello from upstate New York!

    DIFFERabled in my sense, is to be used as being able to do things differently instead of being termed with the label of DISabled!
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    You have to be Deaf to Understand....

    I'm hearing. I have always had a desire to learn about Deaf culture and ASL! I didn't get support from family when I first started learning ASL in the mid-to-late 1980s. It wasn't until I found the courage to go to college that I got involved with the Deaf community and learned ASL. I felt...
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    Hello from upstate New York!

    No, I don't think that the blind are DISabled; they are DIFFERabled! They just need certain accommodations in order to do what they need to do. They have canes to navigate their surroundings while the Deaf community is forced to assimilate to the hearing community, and I get extremely angry...
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    Hello from upstate New York!

    Hello! I'm a student at SUNY Empire State College taking Community and Human Services with a concentration in Addiction and Disabilities. God, I hate that word being used for the Deaf community! This community is not DISabled. They are DIFFERabled! They can do anything that a hearing person can...
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    I've always had an interest in ASL! I remember trying to teach the ASL alphabet to a friend in summer camp who had become blind at a young age. I then, years later, had a hard-of-hearing friend in class who taught me a few signs. A couple of years later, I had an English assignment to teach our...
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    Hello again

    Hello! I am a student in Deaf studies and ASL. I've taken ASL 1 and 2 and look forward to taking ASL 3 in the Fall. I'm a student at SUNY Empire State College, and my degree is in Community and Human Services with a concentration in Addiction and Disabilities. I have been a part of my local Deaf...