Search results

  1. SJCSue

    New Job

    I’m so excited because I have a new job!
  2. SJCSue

    Rechargeable Hearing Aids

    I picked up a pair of rechargeable hearing aids almost 2 months ago. I have loved them since then. I have one question. I was wondering if I could place my hearing aids on the charger 2x a day. What is your opinion?
  3. SJCSue

    Sad News

    I have some sad news to announce. Last Monday (1/4/2021) my dog Oliver/Ollie passed away. I miss him so much!
  4. SJCSue

    IP67 Rating

    What does an IP67 rating for hearing aids mean with rain/snow and walking?
  5. SJCSue

    Stay at Home Order

    if you live in an area under a “Stay at Home order, what have you been doing? I have been (1) reading, (2) watching Netflix (especially NCIS), and (3) cleaning my room.
  6. SJCSue

    Storage Bed

    I have a bed with drawers under it. Currently, I have out of season clothes/extras/blankets there. I keep my in-season clothes in my dresser. Should I keep it this way?
  7. SJCSue

    Rechargeable Hearing Aids

    I have been "green auditing" myself to see what areas I can become more green (eco-friendly). One area I may become more eco-friendly is my hearing aids by buying rechargeable hearing aids. I am concerned about the price of these hearing aids. How much are rechargeable hearing aids? You can give...
  8. SJCSue

    New Year's Resolutions

    I'm curious about New Year's Resolutions. I have a whole laundry list of resolutions. Should I only focus on one or two?
  9. SJCSue

    Hearing aids

    I like to call my HAs my "ears". Who else calls their hearing technology (HAs, CIs) their "ears"?
  10. SJCSue

    New ipad

    I am getting a new iPad. I can't decide between iPad (5th generation) or iPad Mini 4. Which one would you choose?
  11. SJCSue

    New hearing aids

    I'm eligible for new HAs to covered with my health insurance. I'm debating about whether or not get the ones which are completely covered by my insurance or the more expensive ones (I think the insurance pays a tiny faction of the total price). Which pair of HAs should I get? I have an audiogram...
  12. SJCSue

    Spanish with french or german

    I want to learn Spanish (self-study). I also would like to learn another language alongside Spanish. I am between French and German. I had studied both Spanish and French but they are both Romance languages. I have never studied German but this is not a Romance language. Any suggestions? Thanks!
  13. SJCSue

    College Update

    I graduated in May with my Bachelor's of Science in Accounting!! My advisor put the hood on me which made me very happy. After the ceremony, my family, a friend, and I all went to Olive Garden to celebrate!
  14. SJCSue

    *SPOILER ALERT* Star Wars: The Force Awakens

    Let's talk about Star Wars: The Force Awakens in this thread to avoid spoiling for anyone who have not seen the movie. Does that sound like a good plan?
  15. SJCSue

    The Man from U.N.C.L.E. Question

    If you have seen both the tv show and the movie (2015), which version of Illya Kuryakin do you prefer? How about Napoleon Solo?
  16. SJCSue

    Hearing Aid Question

    In August 2014, I received new hearing aids (Rexton Day Free) which was covered by my insurance. Here's my question. When I buy new hearing aids, will I have a better time adjusting to the new hearing aids because I wear hearing aids?
  17. SJCSue

    Switched At Birth Question

    The 9/21 episode (I think) showed Daphne trying to teach a deaf girl in Mexico a few signs. This aspect of the episode reminded so much of Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet and Alice Cogswell. Did any else see the resemble?
  18. SJCSue

    What's the sign for

    If it is fine, I will use this thread to ask how to sign particular word. For example, what's the sign for ringing (as in a phone ringing)?
  19. SJCSue

    Improving ASL Comprehension

    I would like to improve my comprehension of ASL with voice off. Any suggestions on how to do this?
  20. SJCSue


    Who knows another language? I am studying French by myself. I remember the tiniest bit of Spanish. I am also learning ASL.