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    Hi. I'm Jen.

    Hi Jen! :-) I'm hearing as well and learning sign, it's nice to meet you. My sisters cat Beethoven is deaf, he's travelled here to Canada with her from Thailand, after she rescued him when she lived in Hong Kong.
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    decided to become a vegetarian...

    Vegetarian will consume dairy or eggs (sometimes both), whereas a vegan will not, and may not eat honey either. HTH!
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    Who initiates the courtship?

    My husband initiated, but I admit, I was the one who did the chasing ;)
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    The new guy

    Hey Lucas, I live in East York, will keep an eye out for your skateboarding self when I'm downtown! :)
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    decided to become a vegetarian...

    Yes. They are super delicious and fast to make.
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    decided to become a vegetarian...

    Homemade protein bars! The ohsheglows blog has a recipe for quick bars and they are delicious. I had trouble keeping my kids from eating them all. :D
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    18 Year Old Hearing Girl from Ontario

    Hi Golda! Are you at George Brown?
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    decided to become a vegetarian...

    Vegan Recipes by Angela Liddon | Oh She Glows Chocolate-Covered Katie Vegetarian Recipes Search | Vegetarian Times These are a couple of blogs I use as recipe resources, as well as Vegetarian Times, which always has good stuff! My husband and I are pescatarians (only eat fish), which is a lot...
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    New to All

    Hi Yuni! :)
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    Hello from a cruise ship!

    Hi! I'm at George Brown studying, we use (for the first part of the ASL continuing education) is a textbook with DVD called "Signing Naturally", maybe have a look at that. You can get them used trough Amazon.
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    Mom of Deaf Toddler

    Beautiful little boy! It sounds like you're taking a really sensible approach to Kians' Deafness.
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    Hello from rainy Toronto :-)

    I'm studying at George Brown. They have an excellent program there! :)
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    Mom of Deaf Toddler

    Hello! I'm glad to hear your little guy is doing so well :) there is a real wealth of information here.
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    I'm Jatana :)

    Hi Jatana, me too! Lots to learn in the forums here :) honey
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    Hello Everyone-

    Hi JenMarie! :)
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    Hello from rainy Toronto :-)

    "What kind of Canadian not like hockey?!?!?!" ::blush:: my parents are British, we didn't grow up with an appreciation for the sport and I married an Englishman, so our kids don't care about it either. LoL
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    Hello from rainy Toronto :-)

    Oh, no, no hockey here! Your quote makes me smile, Jack was doing good work for our country before we lost him. <3
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    Hello from rainy Toronto :-)

    I am a hockey free zone! :lol: I love your quote, btw, Jack was doing good things for our country, and taken too soon. <3
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    Hello from rainy Toronto :-)

    Hi! I've been poking around this site for a couple of days, and would like to introduce myself. I'm a mum of 4, currently taking an ASL certificate program in night school, and have applied to a full time Deaf Studies program for September, with the goal of applying to/completing a further...