Search results

  1. RachelRene

    Deaf Single Parent. How did you do it?

    I tried posting yesterday, but it hasn't showed up yet... It said it was awaiting moderation, so in case it does appear at some point in the future, I won't re-type everything I said... But I will give all the single parents here a big kudos... It's certainly not easy. And Dixie... hang in...
  2. RachelRene

    Feeling Socially Awkward in the Hearing World

    Ugh, I think we have the same friends. I have one friend who's known me for years... so she knows that I have a hard time hearing. She has pointed out the numerous instances where I've guessed wrong in conversations (because that's how I've operated my whole life... hearing about half of what...
  3. RachelRene

    Did you go to speech therapy as a kid?

    I had speech therapy until 5th grade. I thought it was a part of school (I didn't even know I was hard of hearing until after I moved out of the house), and I remember working really really hard to do well. I wanted good grades--I've always been a perfectionist when it comes to school. I do...
  4. RachelRene

    Adjustment to late onset deafness

    Sending you lots of love, girlie... because that is a HUGE change, in such a short time. I know it's a lot to adjust to, and it's hard to let go of one identity and begin to adopt a new one... College was hard on me, too, because it seemed like the hearing issues I could ignore in daily life...
  5. RachelRene

    Adjustment to late onset deafness

    *hugs* for you. I know it can be a bit of a shock... When I read your history, it sounds eerily familiar. I was told 8 years ago that in all likelihood my hearing would get progressively worse--and that if I didn't wear my HA's, that process would be sped up. The one audiologist predicted...
  6. RachelRene

    Hi! :-)

    lol love it! Yes, intros are very much like that.
  7. RachelRene

    Hi From Oregon

    I spent summers in McMinnville for about 6 years. :) Say hi to Oregon for me!
  8. RachelRene

    Hello from Canada

    Welcome! I'm currently in Ottawa, although I'm originally from the west coast. I know what you mean... as I read through the forums, I'm finally feeling like there *are* people out there who understand. It's a pretty neat feeling.
  9. RachelRene

    Growing Deaf Community on Google+

    Not that I remember. Why?
  10. RachelRene

    Growing Deaf Community on Google+

    I have used Deafread to find good posts, vlogs, etc, but I have not registered as a member.
  11. RachelRene

    Growing Deaf Community on Google+

    I have been lurking for a few months on this forum, so I hope you don't mind that I added a couple of you to Google+... I'm finding my need for community is growing by the day. If you want to add me, look for Rachel Rene.
  12. RachelRene

    Do you have memories of hearing?

    I am not hearing now... Growing up, I had mild to moderate loss, but over the years I have steadily lost my hearing. My last audiogram (about 6 months ago) put me at the severe to profound range.
  13. RachelRene

    Do you have memories of hearing?

    I actually remember the opposite... When I was very little, I was severely hoh... I know that part of it was the number of ear infections I was having, as well as being born preemie, and some other factors. When I was 3.5, I had a couple of surgeries, and I remember waking up and screaming...
  14. RachelRene

    FaceBook vs Google Plus

    My job is internet marketing, social media marketing specifically. This means that part of my job is doing trainings on different tools... so if anyone needs help, I'm happy to do it! Just ping me if you want to add me to your circle. :)
  15. RachelRene

    Guess who got new ears!!

    I call them my "ears" too :) Congratulations! I got my new ears almost 6 months ago... and the first day I was in awe. Things make noise. Weird.
  16. RachelRene

    Deaf Single Parent. How did you do it?

    I am a single parent of an almost 3 yo (wow, how did he get so big so fast?!). I left an abusive partner when he was 5 weeks old, and have been on my own ever since. It's not easy, for sure, and there are times I get very frustrated and overwhelmed... especially because right now I'm working...
  17. RachelRene

    Oovoo or skype

    As of right now, Skype offers both free and premium services, and that will probably continue to be the case with Microsoft. Skype is just a really popular (and therefore profitable) application, so of course MS would want it. :) (I work in Internet Marketing, and just finished a big debate...
  18. RachelRene

    Deaf culture - do's and don'ts, etc. Let's make a list!

    I get that a lot too. I speak really well, and I've spent my entire life piecing together conversation and guessing the rest, so I'm *really* good at faking understanding. This means that my friends, my family, my classmates, my coworkers, all expect that I can hear and follow along. I've...