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  1. RachelRene

    they tell us

    This morning my gf kept cringing and complaining that something was driving her crazy. Then my almost 3 yo ran to the kitchen, pointing downstairs and then covering his ears. Turns out the furnace is out of oil again, and until the apt people come to fix it there will be this constant high...
  2. RachelRene

    Feeling Socially Awkward in the Hearing World

    Same here. I find that if I talk, people expect me to be able to hear, and even pointing out the HA's and saying "I can't hear you" is lost on them. I'm sick of getting from people "But you talk so well!" while they continue to talk with their mouths covered, etc. With voice off and...
  3. RachelRene

    Adjustment to late onset deafness

    Ooh, if you come to Ottawa we MUST get together! My birthday is Sept 7, my kidlet's is the 17th. Two potential parties, close together, I don't think I'm up to it... Maybe I am just cranky today, and will be back to my more positive outlook tomorrow.
  4. RachelRene

    Books on Deaf Culture as mentioned by AllDeaf users

    I'm reading that one right now, but I'm not very far in to it. Also reading
  5. RachelRene

    Adjustment to late onset deafness

    I think one of the reasons I've always talked a lot in group conversations, why I've always been known to entertain the crowd, is because if *I'm* talking, then I know what's going on. I hate feeling isolated, surrounded by people I love. I hate getting frustrated at the one person who's...
  6. RachelRene

    Growing Deaf Community on Google+

    Speaking of... if I haven't "circled" you back, it's because I don't know who you are. PM me and let me know, and the problem will be fixed. :)
  7. RachelRene

    Adjustment to late onset deafness

    Anybody else have anxiety about groups? My birthday is just around the corner, and my gf wants to throw me a party. That's awfully sweet, especially because she knows that my birthday is pretty much always overlooked. And I *love* my friends; they're an awesome, amusing, lovely group of...
  8. RachelRene

    Confession Time :)

    Confession: The last couple days, I have done nothing much beyond reading the posts on this site. I have a pile of work that is due TOMORROW, but I can't seem to stop reading...
  9. RachelRene

    Cha CHing!

    RAHR! Plasticdinosaur- Those are the full ones, not just in the canal. Yep, they really do fill my WHOLE ear :)
  10. RachelRene

    Cha CHing!

    I have the world's tiniest ears, I swear... The audi said he never had an earmold that small that wasn't on a child... usually those processor bits are all the way in the very bottom of the HA, but it wouldn't fit. I'm terrified to unscrew it or mess with it in any way, because I'm afraid...
  11. RachelRene

    Growing Deaf Community on Google+

    Were they maybe already in the second group? Sometimes I *think* a person hasn't been added, so I keep trying to drag them to a circle, and google tells me it can't add that person.
  12. RachelRene

    Cha CHing!

    Hopefully this will work... I've never uploaded a pic before. If it did, there's my HA. If not, then it is in my albums. :)
  13. RachelRene

    My dad doesn't believe my hearing status has been a problem...

    Two years ago, I was where you are now... I was living with my mom, because when I left my abusive partner I had nothing and nowhere to go... and I was stuck. No money, no idea how I was going to make a future, and sure I'd never date again. I didn't even want to date again. Being a good mom...
  14. RachelRene

    Cha CHing!

    Yeah; there's a wire that goes from the processing bits in the mold to behind my ear-I will take a pic and show you :) Thanks for the link!
  15. RachelRene

    Growing Deaf Community on Google+

    Thank you, sallylou!
  16. RachelRene

    Cha CHing!

    Question about the ear gear (hope this is the right place to ask)... My ear mold doesn't come apart from the hearing aid itself... it's all one piece, with the processing bits in the part that goes in the ear, as well as behind my ear. Can I still get the ear gear over my HA?
  17. RachelRene

    pain from sounds?

    Alice, I'm so glad you posted this... I've never heard of recruitment before (thank you deafskeptic for posting the link and saving me from having to ask)--now I don't feel like such a freak! I have tried to explain to my hearing friends how I can not hear them talking to me, or sometimes my...
  18. RachelRene

    Feeling Socially Awkward in the Hearing World

    Yay for friends learning ASL! I have a couple who are working on that as well... One of my friends took a couple semesters, and she is great about making sure I understand not only her, but tries to help me with others too. Then I have the friends who are pretty sure ASL is just a...
  19. RachelRene

    My dad

    Sending lots of good thoughts your way.
  20. RachelRene

    Sexual Fluidity

    I have always felt that gender and sexuality are much more fluid than people are willing to admit. We like things in boxes, don't we, with the lines clearly drawn. It's human nature to cling to labels, it tells us how to interact with our world. I love women. Date women. Consider myself...