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  1. RachelRene

    who said deaf kids can't read?

  2. RachelRene

    Family woes

    Oh, no, i'm not living with my mom. I have been living away (in Canada actually) for over a year... I'm just staying here for the holidays. I was told no one could pick up me up or take me back to the train station, so I ended up stuck here from the 19th to Jan 4th. (Turns out mom actually...
  3. RachelRene

    Family woes

    Speedy, I'm sorry your Christmas has been rough too :( I think it's hard on all of us, when we're thrown in huge hearing gatherings with no signing.
  4. RachelRene

    Family woes

    Sunshine--I don't get why our families don't understand that it's not pouting, it's not whining, it just SUCKS to be purposefully excluded. So... I waited until the rest of the family was out and then I laid in to my brother. I told him, "you know i'm not ignoring you, right, i actually can't...
  5. RachelRene

    Family woes

    Ugh... no one yelled about my hearing aids--it's worse. Not only is everyone mad at me for "ignoring them," I keep turning to find everyone laughing, or will catch someone yelling my name and turn my head, they'll all laugh and don't have anything to say when I ask what... turns out they're all...
  6. RachelRene

    Family woes

    DeafBadger-- The small rural town attitude definitely has a lot to do with it. I was actually born in a town so small it's not even a town... it's the Prairie :) Now we live in a town that has pretty much the one stop shop and nothing else... there's a lot of prejudice that gets disguised as...
  7. RachelRene

    Adjustment to late onset deafness

    Jakey-- I discovered about a year ago that my hearing had taken a huge dip, and it was a lot harder to adjust to than I had expected. I'd always had hearing loss, but didn't wear hearing aids for very long, and I guess I didn't believe the audi when he told me I had a high chance of being...
  8. RachelRene

    Family woes

    @DeafCaroline - Unfortunately my family is in Montana :( I'd so love to be in Ottawa for Christmas! I had to move back to the states at the end of October because of work and have been a bit bummed ever since. :( I don't know that having an audiologist talk to them would be helpful. I had...
  9. RachelRene

    Family woes

    Nothing says "hello, audism" like going home for the holidays. Not only do I keep getting accused of ignoring people, my mom keeps going "You can't hear that? You REALLY can't hear that?" No, mom, I *really* can't hear whatever it is that you're going on about. I got scolded for over two...
  10. RachelRene

    Instant Messenger (AIM, GTalk, Yahoo, MSN Messenger)

    I'm logged in to Skype and Gchat almost constantly for work, and would love to talk about deaf issues, life, what-have-you.
  11. RachelRene

    deaf accent!

    I was born and raised in Montana, and I was often told by my classmates and friends that I had an accent... I couldn't figure it out, but continued to get that after moving to Idaho for college. I figured it was a "hick accent" because of being raised on a ranch--thought it was a matter of word...
  12. RachelRene

    Interesting article about deaf culture

    You know, the more movies I watch (just finished watching MTV's True Life-I'm Deaf episode), the more I reflect on my own experiences and learn of others', the more I read, the more I know that the only way things are truly going to get better for Deaf people is for there to be a major reversal...
  13. RachelRene

    My Song | Story of a girl stuck between the hearing and Deaf worlds

    Wow. Just... wow. Very moving, and hit close to home--as I know it did for a lot of us here. Thanks for sharing, AJW!
  14. RachelRene

    Anyone in Vancouver/Portland going to Keith Wann?

    Anyone in the Vancouver/Portland area going to the Keith Wann show on the 6th? I just moved back to the area and am feeling the lack of community... was hoping I could find someone to go with. Send me a PM if you're interested!
  15. RachelRene

    fingerspelling game

    And here I was feeling all proud because I was cruising through the any letters at deaf speed with no replays and no mistakes. Not bad considering there's no context, I thought. And then I watched PFH... Sunny, take him on! :)
  16. RachelRene

    Deaf awakenings

    It's like a whole new world! Not saying I won't have bad days, or get frustrated, it's a process not a destination. But I'm feeling *so* much better about things! Ash--thank you so much for all your support. If you guys don't already know, this girl rocks.
  17. RachelRene

    Deaf awakenings

    As you know, I've been really struggling accepting myself, accepting my deafness, and you can forget having a deaf identity. I feel like the last few months have been really transformative for me, largely due to this forum, and I wanted to say thank you. I also feel like this weekend I had a...
  18. RachelRene

    Adjustment to late onset deafness

    ***hugs*** for you... I'm sorry you're having such a hard time right now. Corrosive shame... yes, I understand this. The shame that comes from living my whole life feeling like a broken hearing person, feeling like I just needed to try harder, feeling embarrassed when I misunderstood things...
  19. RachelRene

    Am I alone.

    I agree with Sallylou... Stand up for your body, and what you feel is best for it. We're hear for you!
  20. RachelRene

    update on frankie

    Big hugs to you. Hang in there, mama.