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    10 Things Not To Said To A Police Officer

    Or you could avoid saying, "Was that you stripping for me the other night? Dang-you sure rocked my world!":laugh2:
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    yay for me

    Congratuloations!!! I was in Gally's Honor Program in Fall of 94'!! So, work hard and study hard-girl! What's your major?
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    Let's see how smart you all are.

    HMM... my brain was hurting all night but...becuz the lawyer and the sister are actually one woman that killed the hubby? That as close as it can ever get... without getting too deep in incest!
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    Favorite candy

    Nutrageous, Kit Kat bars, and chocolate-covered pretezels!!!!!
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    AD Cabin Party?

    Ahhhh-much better! Still meeting in front of LBJ for those who don't know where the Hell they are going? What about transportation as well? By the way, still going!:naughty:
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    baked beans ;)

    :laugh2: ROFL
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    The 3 Men

    Three men had boarded the Titanic for its journey across the vast icy sea. One was a lawyer, second was a teacher, and the third was a catholic priest. Sudddenly the Titanic had hit an iceberg and people were scrambling about. The teacher yelled out, "Save the children!" The...
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    Picture of You Drunk!

    :thumb: I guess seeing a blackface sort of makes me pissed but I assure you I have no hatred or grievances against Kevbo. Its not about him, at all. Its about the statement that he made as a blackface. I'm sure you know him as a friendly person, where I don't know him. *sighing* I just...
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    Ladies, I want you

    :confused: Not getting this through my beautiful braided head...
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    Picture of You Drunk!

    Lawd, give me the strength to withstand something so crude and corny from a guy who obviously missed the entiire point...:roll:
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    Picture of You Drunk!

    :o Why would you as a white man be dressed as a black man and have a painted black face? Don't you realize how demeaning that was and showcased yourself as a racist? I'm African-American and Native American mixed-and for me to read that quote of yours utterly made me realize that racism...
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    Discriminated again...

    SUE THEIR FRIGGIN' ASSES!!! I am a professional gourmet chef and I have worked in places where high calling is required but have worked around that system to work effiecently with the Hearies. I do not understnd why they are being such pricks! In fact, a bar here in Rochester NY called, "The...
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    AD Cabin Party?

    Hey peepz-if you're going on the way to Lecthworth park for the AD party, perhaps someone can come and pick us up on the way there? Might be a lot easier and we'd ne happy to chip in for gas? Peace!
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    Deaf Survivor Splits Deaf Community

    Well...for one thing, Christy is a "womyn". She went against a group of machoist and defeated them in some trial runs. There is not a whole lot of womyn who would have grudginly gone against men who are naturally better in athleticism. Men are naturally bigger and stronger in physical...
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    AD Cabin Party?

    Y'all gotta get down to good ol Rochy NY!! BF is 2 be the best but the pre-party is gonna be the best. By the way, peepz-I'm DeafDot's girl....the real main squeeze and his sweet bed partner.. Holla back!
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    Condom Multi Packs

    Heh-would probably not opt for the 12 pack! Hee haa hoo!