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    A Brain Teaser!!

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    My Life Has Changed

    Regardless if it is an April Fool's joke or not, congratulations! Being a first time Dad is overwhelming for sure! You should ask DeafDot when he first saw our son come out into this world. His amazement at the growth and his intelligency of his son... Ahh, time flies by fast. OUr son will be...
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    WTF??? what does that have to do with what PDP is trying to convey to all of us?
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    :thumb: Way to go! So, which will it be? Gally or RIT?
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    A Brain Teaser!!

    OK! OK! OK! That was just a starter! Since y'all want a really hard one... here it is! Three men decide to share a hotel room for the night. The desk clerk charges them $30. They each pay $10. After they go to their room, the desk clerk realizes the room is only $25., so he gives the bellhop...
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    A Brain Teaser!!

    Are y'all smart as you claim to be?? I'm noticing that most of you are going to Gally and/or NTID/RIT this fall!! My best of luck to y'all... However, I wanna see y'all prove your pot of smarties to AD'ers and the rest of em' world! :laugh2: John's mother has three children. The oldest is...
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    At sunset

    Have you guys been to Alaska??? There, you could see the beautiful Auerolis Burealois..the magical light waves in the skies! Its almost surreal.. its like you are one step closer to the galaxy and there's somthing about being the only planet that can sustain life.. and makes you wonder if you...
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    black punk

    How about black goths? I used to be a black goth before I became a Mommy! I have seen many black punks. In fact, my dear gay uncle used to be a black punk... and no, he wasn;t part of the Village People! LOL!!!
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    AzK Grumpy Kiki anything!

    Have you met David Koresh? The famous guy who led the standoff against FBI with his fellow cult members? Another question, are you a part of any fellowship or a cult member group, or satanic worshipping cult? Afterall, Texas seems to have the highest amount of cult fellowship there!
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    At hooters resturant..

    You should! If you like Buffalo Wings-Hooters got them by the basketfuls!! They're pretty good with their portions (size) of food on about everything for real good price! Perfect place for students who depend on the sustance of fast food for mere survival at college away from home!
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    Pre-Marriage Agreements...

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    A little innocent incest

    YOU'RE COOL WITH IT???!!!! Please please please for all that's good and evil, tell us that you ain't into incestous affairs???!!! :eek:
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    A little innocent incest

    :laugh2: but nevertheless umm...:eek2:
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    What do you style your hair with?

    I just use a hair herbal oil since I'm in long braids. REverting back to my African ancestors roots!!! (In hair-do, that is!)
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    Let's see how smart you all are.

    May I add a riddle to this thread? I am a semi-fan of riddles so...hope y'all don't mind me adding to Boston's fun thread! Actually, they are brain teasers so.... A married couple goes to a movie. During the film, the husband strangles the wife. No one notices-and he's able to get her body...
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    How Tall are you ?

    6'0 here.. and no joke! All female and proud of it! Hate short guys tho...but love intidimating them! Hee Haa Hoo!!:twisted:
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    got accepted to...

    Yea!! Best wishes walking down the good ol' path to Good Ol' Bison U. aka Gally! I was a student there in 1994!
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    college or weed?

    :D Looking back during my college years....I was able to maintain good grades and still smoke weed! Ahh...being a student in Culinary Arts-chef-does have its plus! You could smoke before the classes and cooking begins and then statisfy your hunger pangs! Heh..heh... Almost all of us students...
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    Strange Lawsuits

    OK-here is another strange lawsuit! The Plaintiff: David Earl Dempsey, a 27 year old inmate at the Pima County, Arizona jail. The Defendant: Pima County and state prison officals. The Lawsuit: In February 1998, Dempsey tied a sheet around his neck and jumped out the jailhouse window...
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    Work Shift -

    Used to work sometimes 12 to 18 hours as a chef in a restaurant. The hungry never stop being hungry! Now, I'm a stay at home mommy which is like 24/7 job! I'd pick this 24/7 job over a 15 hour shift cooking in hot, hot, hot kitchen!