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  1. Sugar Addict

    Mystery vessel of stars-like light shines

    ah that explains it, cuz this has occured with me several times while my hearing peers look at me like I'm an idiot :hyper:
  2. Sugar Addict

    What states have you lived in?

    Born and raised in Chicagoland area so it'll be Illinois as the number uno state for me
  3. Sugar Addict

    Pros and Cons of 2nd & 3rd shift..

    :hyper: social life sucks on 2nd shift depending on the days you work out of the week
  4. Sugar Addict


    I'm a proud owner of two little bundle of mischiefs, Roxy and Rachel was wondering if there was other ferret owners out there? I"ll post pictures when I get my digital camera this week :)
  5. Sugar Addict

    Good Deer Prank Joke

    the comments the deer was sayin was too funny!
  6. Sugar Addict

    Lost friend from Indiana...

    that probably will help others, good luck on locating your friend!
  7. Sugar Addict

    What's the #1 thing you hate doing around the house?

    putting away clean clothes, for some reason I keep them in the laundry basket and just put em on when i'm ready to wear em yes my clothes are usually wrinkly but it goes away within a hour :whistle:
  8. Sugar Addict

    Lost friend from Indiana...

    Please be more specific on the person's age range, when that person went to school perhaps people might be able to help you as this is tooooooo general?
  9. Sugar Addict

    Alldeaf members at work

    Recent graduate of Bachelor's degree Currently working as a team leader-MHP at a group home for deaf adults, I've done my intern at the same place for two summers, to count the experience during the summers it would be 3 years... now taking a breather before deciding on what to do for...
  10. Sugar Addict

    A list of your cat(s) names?

    Sir Dotty (RIP 1986-2006) Sophie- calico Jordan- one super sweet guy
  11. Sugar Addict

    A list of your cat(s) names?

    :lol: yeah, i like that type of humor, I named one of my old turtles "Rufus" when people asked me what type of dog it was it always made me laugh
  12. Sugar Addict

    Gally President Protests

    shes not latino as she was clear that she is a WHITE woman :scatter:
  13. Sugar Addict

    Planning Tips and Ideas for Wedding

    am totally wondering how gemtun's planning is goin with few weeks left.... :whistle:
  14. Sugar Addict


    too funny
  15. Sugar Addict

    what brand of CI do you have ?

    Nucleus 22 user here :scatter:
  16. Sugar Addict

    If you use VRS or are a VRS interpreter, please read this!

    most of the time its the small business that does the hang up on me, I think its just simply a misunderstanding myself as I have found different results with different relay operators myself for the VRS, I simply LOVE it as its just a great tool to be myself and being able to save myself...
  17. Sugar Addict

    Anyone here an expert on fishkeeping?

    thats what I meant :) for your heater brand perference :cheers: gotta agree with you on this one
  18. Sugar Addict

    Anyone here an expert on fishkeeping?

    did the heater get broken in the water? did you check the glass tube for any cracks if so then the best way is to do a 100 percent water change to get all of the toxins from the tank... thats the only sugguestion I have for this type of situtation and to use a stress coat whenever ure changing...
  19. Sugar Addict

    Marketers hope 666 will be their lucky number

    same with underworld 2 :cheers:
  20. Sugar Addict

    Anyone here an expert on fishkeeping?

    what type of filter system and did you check if your heater doesn't have a crack in it? sometimes the heater will have a crack in it even tho its brand new