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  1. DDU

    Picture of your pets

    hot diggity ! a $3 dog
  2. DDU

    is this police brutality?

    you look scary to a cop. he can scream at you and you just move around like a meth head. that will get the cop in a loving mood- loving his gun aiming at you
  3. DDU

    how to get close to a deaf person?

    most definitely gay. i saw her pic and vava voom
  4. DDU

    a new member around here

    welcome aboard. what was your AAS for? is it a new job in Indiana ?
  5. DDU

    Pr. William Meetup in Manassas, Va

    alas and alack for you. now you see the Va deaf are soooo unreliable
  6. DDU

    From Vet Tech to ASL Interpreter. ^-^

    welcome to AD. don't know if changing from VET to terp is that good a deal. you go from working on an ASS to working for a deaf ASS. or in technical terms- donkeys
  7. DDU

    Amtrak: All Aboard -- And Bring Your Guns

    ain't logic. it's the law
  8. DDU

    Amtrak: All Aboard -- And Bring Your Guns

    i am leery about changing states with a handgun after having one taken away in a neighboring state
  9. DDU

    is this police brutality?

    sure wouldn't want to live n chicago right about now.police there are going to be trigger happy for a while
  10. DDU

    How does getting an interpreter work?

    "There is no one answer that covers every situation. " $$$$$ speaks volumes
  11. DDU

    how to get close to a deaf person?

    he sounds like someone from the other team
  12. DDU

    How does getting an interpreter work?

    depends. if a medical center gets a lot of deaf they will have someone on hand. or the deaf will request a terp when making an appt and then the medical center will look up an agency to handle the job. a freelance may be used if recommended . a hospital may have someone on call.
  13. DDU

    is this police brutality?

    i think any and all deaf need to be more cautious than hearing around police. almost all of my frequent encounters with police seem t start off badly because i can't hear squat and lipread nil. police meet the dregs of society and deaf often mimic the actions of these very same dregs of society...
  14. DDU

    The Truth about Coca Cola

    what's the problem ? :cheers::cheers: drink more beer
  15. DDU

    WWIII has begin?

    dang, not fighting. that means no OT for me
  16. DDU

    Low-status leaders are ignored

    observing 80 people to base their observations is not a conclusive statement. it is like most polls that are done over the phone taking the date from say 1000 people and saying the whole USA believes such and such. totally irrelevant. the writer just needs to "publish or perish" in his/her...
  17. DDU

    Amtrak: All Aboard -- And Bring Your Guns

    what kind of guns is this about? long guns seems reasonable. but pistol permits are good for only the issuing state.
  18. DDU

    Spoooooooky stuff...

    a lot of the sightings are satellites and stuff in the sky. as well as 50 years of accumulated space junk. i often can see satellites moving across the sky. and there are people putting up weather balloons like the balloon boys dad did a while ago ( remember that one? looked like a space ship)...
  19. DDU

    A rant, if I may

    it's the paper company's that are at fault.with the rising cost of paper that go into packaging there is less money for actual food. also our government is involved with this since if there is less food per box then we eat less. hence, less obese people, less medical care care is required,less...