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  1. Pythias

    Etiquette Question about Hearing Aids

    I like it too! Also, hugging people your own height just means that it whistles right into their ear. Chest is better. :-P
  2. Pythias

    Any bicyclists here?

    I love to ride! I commute 2 times a week by bike because Pittsburgh is a pretty bike-friendly city.
  3. Pythias

    question about deaf culture and sociology

    I think language and culture inform one another so much that any group with their own language is going to have its own strong subculture.
  4. Pythias

    'Hearie' and 'Deafie'...offensive??

    I'm not personally offended by either. (Of course being HOH, I don't think either properly apply to me) I won't use them, though, because I could see someone being bothered by it.
  5. Pythias

    Students, Your questions answered here.

    There are sounds around the house that my husband can hear and alerts me to that I don't, like the dishwasher (once it stops, it's finished), the microwave timer beeping, etc. Good luck with your project!
  6. Pythias

    ASL Students: Be honest, your reason???

    Language informs culture (as ASL does Deaf culture) and vice versa, so I think if you are that interested in a particular culture, you could still learn to read and write that language, right? Then you could read their literature and news, and if you ever went there, you could read the signs...
  7. Pythias

    hearing aid clips

    Very pretty!!!
  8. Pythias


    That sounds like a neat idea! I'm just learning, really too, but I'd be interested to follow your new signs and others' comments. I live in a big city now, but where I am from there were no Deaf people, as all of us deaf and hoh were raised orally, so there was no one to meet with. Good luck...
  9. Pythias


  10. Pythias

    Intro: mom of HOH 5 year old boy

    Hello! It's great that you are here learning as much as you can to make the best decisions for your son! I wore my hearing aids for some sports like softball, but not for sports with too much contact like martial arts. The FM system came off for anything non-classroom or assembly related...
  11. Pythias


  12. Pythias

    Deaf Father-CODA Son

    Welcome! I'm new too- glad to see you are making videos. I can't wait to see some!
  13. Pythias

    ASL Students: Be honest, your reason???

    Another big reason for me was that when going to a conference or something where there are people speaking, I can hear the sound but not well enough to make out the words from my seat. Sometimes there is an interpreter for a deaf person, but, while I could see the signs, I didn't understand...
  14. Pythias

    Photos for Fun

    Authentic, thanks! It didn't occur to me that my name would be visible from my picasa link (oops!) Would you mind editing your post to take out my full name? Thanks!
  15. Pythias

    Photos for Fun

    Hello All, I'm really enjoying this section! I tried to post a link to my pictures on picasa, but it connected too much to my google account and I can't figure out how to post pictures on here- I will try again tomorrow :)
  16. Pythias

    Are you a leftie or a rightie?

    Right to write and Left for Snowboarding, Archery, Shooting, etc. Both for batting.
  17. Pythias


    I was in love with Sherlock Holmes when I first read the books as a kid! I've always enjoyed watching the tv/movie renditions, but I think this new BBC one keeps true to the spirit of the character the way some of the others fail to. Oh, and those real blogs are great!
  18. Pythias

    Quick question.. or two.

    My mom says, "Hearing impair-Hard of Hearing" Oh well, at least she tries. :-P
  19. Pythias

    ASL Students: Be honest, your reason???

    I'm taking ASL classes for many reasons: 1. I've been HOH since early childhood, but raised orally. Listening and sometimes speaking is quite an effort, so I avoid situations with friends and family that aren't 1 on 1. I thought making Deaf friends and using ASL might be a nice change. I...