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  1. Pythias

    I'm engaged!

    Congrats and good luck with all your plans! :)
  2. Pythias

    Questioned About My Hearing in a Job Interview

    Today I had a job interview. I was acing it- the two guys were really into me. I was a great fit, qualifications-wise, as well as personality-wise, with the team. The immediate supervisor and his boss were both talking about where they would like me to move after a few months, and it was a...
  3. Pythias

    Should I Look For A New Doctor (ENT)?

    Many states' OVR will help or fully pay for them if you really need them.
  4. Pythias

    Mixed hearing/deaf at restaurants

    I think this is an excellent question! I've found myself in this sort of position before and I never know what to do. If I'm with voice-off deaf friends, I usually vo, myself, as much as possible (my ASL is better if I don't speak at the same time), but I am concerned about looking like I'm...
  5. Pythias

    Deaf People and Autistic People?

    Thanks! Excellent thoughts- plenty to think about. :)
  6. Pythias

    Deaf People and Autistic People?

    Hahaha, thanks for your replies! Though some people didn't read beyond the title of the thread very carefully, stating: "the only similarity I would draw" "I think there is a big difference between the two." "We're not compariable to disabled groups" As stated previously, I'm not asking about...
  7. Pythias

    Deaf People and Autistic People?

    It's a good point about exposure. As for why this question would come up- It is a general question and answer site with random questions like "What, if anything, do math and art have in common?" So people are very much just trying to make connections. I don't think there is confusion about...
  8. Pythias

    Deaf People and Autistic People?

    On a general Q&A site I frequent, I saw a question asking if Deaf people tend to have an easier time than others relating to people with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). I've heard that Deaf tend to be better at reading people, and obviously wouldn't mind the fact that Autistics don't...
  9. Pythias

    Keith Wann

    Oh certainly! He came to the Deaf School, here, in Pittsburgh a couple months ago. I was so excited because I'd been watching his videos. Hilarious!
  10. Pythias

    Scared of communicating with hearing people

    All the Indians I know have spoken English since early childhood, and some from birth (at home). Idioms are part of typical vernacular for most of my Indian friends. OP, I often think, "Is the effort and repeaty-ness for both me and the group worth my joining the conversation right now?"...
  11. Pythias

    Are you a "night owl"?

    I'm a total night owl. I try to re-train myself all the time to be an early bird, but it never sticks.
  12. Pythias

    Do you have superpowers?

    Marvel Comics made a deaf/hoh superhero for this kid who didn't want to wear his HA! :) Marvel Comics creates superhero in honor of NH boy - Boston News, Weather, Sports | FOX 25 | MyFoxBoston
  13. Pythias

    Do you have superpowers?

    My husband always talks about my "super sniffer." My facial recognition scores are quite high, and my spatial reasoning is pretty good.
  14. Pythias

    Why are you deaf?

    I haven't gotten that from Deaf people, but some from hearing, and about 50% of other HOH people I've met have asked in some way. I think this may be partially because we weren't raised with the sense of community as those raised Deaf. We were living an HOH life in a sea of hearing people, so...
  15. Pythias

    ASL Idiom Question

    Hehehe ^ This is what I meant by my original question. :-P I look forward to answers! Aaaaand, the illustrious Mr. Wann posted a link to this on his facebook and a commenter hinted at something: It would have been "strong Deaf" not "Deaf strong" :-P Either way, though, I still don't know...
  16. Pythias

    ASL Idiom Question

    Thanks! What would that refer to? How does a person look Deaf?
  17. Pythias

    ASL Idiom Question

    Thanks Arthaey :) He signed "Deaf"/"deaf", so I don't know if it was capitalized or not :-P The first man could tell the second man was D/deaf because he "looked D/deaf strong." What I'm looking for is better understanding of this idiom.
  18. Pythias

    Deaf History Tidbit

    FYI: In PhD programs, it is commonplace for a Master's to be handed out as a consolation prize if one cannot complete their doctorate for some reason, but had completed significant work towards it.
  19. Pythias

    ASL Idiom Question

    Yesterday I saw Keith Wann perform (hilarious), and he made reference to an idiom that I am unfamiliar with. It was a situation where one guy saw another and asked if he was deaf. The second man was and asked how the first guy could tell. He said something like "You look deaf strong." Could...
  20. Pythias

    Yesterday was one of those weird days

    Yeah, sounds like a bad fit both HA-wise and Audi-wise. I'm looking for a new place, myself. My current place mostly deals with older people, calls me "Hearing Impaired," and suggests that I seek genetic counseling before having kids. They are very "you are disabled" centric, as opposed to...