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  1. cookingmom

    son ssi taken away

    we are in ohio he will be attending RIT in the fall
  2. cookingmom

    lost within myself

    took what you said to heart will be going back and finishing my degree this fall going to become and advocate for the deaf and hard of hearing. am sick and tired of dumb people who have all the answers but who has never lived with thisIts time for the world to realize that deafness and hearing...
  3. cookingmom

    son ssi taken away

    my son was informed that because of the baha he no longer needs ssi and not considered to be disabled Don't they realize when he can't wear them he is deaf and he relies on the video relay service. he can't wear them in bed or in the shower or swimming . someplaces he goes like airports cause...
  4. cookingmom

    Hi I'm new! Anyone with SSD and a BAHA?

    my son used a interperter from kindergarden until the baha implants full time now he only uses them for important things like ssi appointment. he has a conductive lost without them he is almost completly deaf this past friday he graduated 4th in his high school he went to mainstream school...
  5. cookingmom

    Im Depressed

    doug my son knows how you feel except he was born without ears and he has worn conductive aids since he was 3 months old. You are never to old to make friends in our house we use both sign and speech the greates gift God has given me was my son for now I have lived in 2 worlds. and there are...
  6. cookingmom

    Hi I'm new! Anyone with SSD and a BAHA?

    my son has the baha system has been wonderful his hearing has greatly improved more than happy to discuss with you . he is hearing sounds he couldn't hear before and we use to have to keep the tv up loud for him to hear now we keep it turn down
  7. cookingmom

    lost within myself

    I have spent the last 18 and half years making sure my son who has a severe hearing lost was educated and raised the same as his sisters I have fought for his rights over and over now he is graduating from high school and embarking in college this fall I no longer know what to do with myself
  8. cookingmom

    New to hearing aids - frustrated and looking for advice.

    my sons first hearing aids you could here the piolts talking when planes went overhead just hang in there and if your not happy with them take them back remember the may be professionals but they don't know you like you know you
  9. cookingmom

    if someone could help me

    son deafness first don't let anyone tell you that your daughter can't do something because she can do anything that she sets her mind to don't treat her any different and please learn sign because you belong to 2 worlds now the hearing and the deaf God has given you a wonderful gift in this...
  10. cookingmom

    Looking for answers

    got questions I might have the anser
  11. cookingmom

    Hi I'm new! Anyone with SSD and a BAHA?

    hello I am a mother of a 18 year old who was born without any ears my son 3 and 1/2 years ago got dual baha and they have been a blessing since the implant he no longer uses a interperter if about to graduate from mainstream classes with a 3.0 gpa will be attending rit in the fall I fully...