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  1. Sweetpolly

    The Block in South California

    May I ask why ??? :hmm:
  2. Sweetpolly

    The Block in South California

    Oh wow Cool!! Thank u Naisho!!! Im going with someone who has been there and maybe taking three others that have never been there. It should be fun !
  3. Sweetpolly

    The Block in South California

    No,,,it's Southern California...Orange County I think...tomorrow will be my first time....they say its where the 22 fwy meets the 5 ..and goes from Starbucks to Dave and Buster's.... Anyone knows any more info..please add on here Ok?? it will be my first time going there tomorrow ..
  4. Sweetpolly

    The Block in South California

    Ahhhh Thank you Jiro !!! Yes... I want to see on here who all goes to this will be my first time and I know two other ADers on here going that are going with if we can get a response as to a meeting place to say hello ...etc.. :dance2: let me know ok ??
  5. Sweetpolly

    Real picture of John McCain

    OMG... OMG .... I don't know what to say about this one... wow... someone was tripping when they came up with this one huh
  6. Sweetpolly

    The LAST Presidential Debate

    OK, I am going to share my thoughts... as a woman (Christain at that) ok,,, first of all, do we really know how healthy McCain is? He will be the first oldest president ever and back in 2000 he had skin cancer (removed and seems to be doing fine) How Healthy Is John McCain? - TIME .. he...
  7. Sweetpolly

    Open Captioned Movies

    Close to where I work, they have open captioned movies all the time. I love to go and enjoy the movies on open captioning as long as its a great movie I want to watch..........rear window though, I don't like to much because at times..I will get ready to go to the movie and arrive and sit there...
  8. Sweetpolly

    Ask JClarke Anything...

    Hi, this may sound strange to ask, but does your Video phones connect with the US video phones? I have in FL with mine vidoe phone and a friend in Dominic Republic (hers was slow and staticity)..
  9. Sweetpolly

    baby monitors

    Hi,,,has anyone found a Vibrating Baby monitor device ??? Fisher Price had one but I just found out they discontinued it 2 years ago ......
  10. Sweetpolly

    Deaf Friendly Bank ideas? International welcomed!

    I am so glad you brought this up,,,,I had the most frustrating time with BOA just now and I am not exaggerating, I spent over 1 hour and 45 minutes on the VCO with relay operator,,, they either switched me to Calif. cust. service rep. when I am have both accounts and am dealing with my FL...
  11. Sweetpolly

    Sweet Tea

    Well, I guess I know who is serving me "sweet tea" when I go visit her! :wiggle: Honestly, I always ask for unsweetened tea here in FL and then put sweet and low in them, but lately I've been hearing how artificial sweetners are bad for you and it doesn't help weight loss. So, in honor of...
  12. Sweetpolly

    AllDeaf will reach 1,000,000 posts soon

    In celebrating the 1,000,000 posts...maybe Alex can share how and when Alldeaf started and some information....I absolutely love many different subjects that keep me occupied, learn and also laugh a lot!:wiggle:
  13. Sweetpolly

    do u buy sandwich at 7-eleven?...

    I used o be hooked on Big Gulps and 7-11 nachos! OMG, I loved both of them... diet coke and nachos!!! The cheese there is so good,,,but sometimes you need to see if the 7-11 is clean etc. cuz I have been to some in the bad part of a town and its not that clean the area around the cheese...
  14. Sweetpolly

    Do you live in California?

    I'm from Southern California...lived in FL for a few years moving back in July! I love it!!
  15. Sweetpolly

    Is it true about diet soda cause more gain on weight?

    I heard that a while back and began drinking water,....water as so many health benefits especially to help you lose weight. Top 4 Benefits Of Drinking Water | The Diet Channel
  16. Sweetpolly

    Calif Department of Motor Vehicles (FAQs)

    I'm a texter also and ummmmmm... no comment.
  17. Sweetpolly

    What do you think?

    Yes,,,how do we join ???
  18. Sweetpolly

    Russian cakes

    Have you all ever tasted "Dump Cake" ? it has Pepsi and a lot of different crazy ingredients and it is delicious!! If anyone has that recipe... can u pass it along to me ???
  19. Sweetpolly

    Last Minute Server Move

    Ok, I will laugh at that slap in the head at this time because....this is my 100th post! yawwwwwww I can receive PM now????
  20. Sweetpolly

    Russian cakes

    Yes,,,all those cakes are awesome...some hard work put into them,,,they must of had a contest.