Search results

  1. W

    Poll: Interested in the search for hearing loss cure? (e.g. stem cell, biomedical)

    I never said I was against stem cells and "mumbo jumbo." In a nutshell, I said it was interesting and would like to see where it goes. We're pretty much on the same page there. I would say the arm regrowth analogy would be more of repairing or restoring. Having prosthetics would be aiding...
  2. W

    CI users. Can you use the phone?

    When I was younger, I would try using the speech recognition software to practice my speech. I tried for months, and then I just got so impatient with correcting it all the time. I eventually wanted to defenestrate it! Hopefully it was just the software, not my speech. But, hard to say.
  3. W

    Vibrating under the bed,

    :laugh2: When I was in college, I would, in my sleep, disassemble the alarm clock when it went off. Once I caught on to my subconscious, I moved the alarm clock under the bed, and away from an arm's reach. It worked until my subconscious got the better of my conscious mind again by learning to...
  4. W

    "Selective hearing"

    hahaha... All the time, though it's mainly with my friends and family. I just laugh, smile, and say, "I'm sorry, what? I didn't hear you."
  5. W

    Poll: Interested in the search for hearing loss cure? (e.g. stem cell, biomedical)

    I'm not sure if that was in response to me, but if it was, I didn't say it wasn't an impairment. I just said it wasn't a disease. Hearing loss is as much of a disease as a loss of one's limbs. Being without an arm doesn't mean that you are diseased. "Curing" hearing loss only made as much sense...
  6. W

    Poll: Interested in the search for hearing loss cure? (e.g. stem cell, biomedical)

    I don't like the word "cure" as in "cure deafness" or "cure hearing loss". That implies that deafness/hearing loss is a disease, while it is not. It is merely a circumstance in which a person cannot hear, or in the case of hard of hearing: cannot hear well. The "disease" is something else that...
  7. W

    Hearing Aids covered by state?? (TX)

    Try here: DARS - DHHS Hard of Hearing Program and DARS - DHHS Hearing Aid Information
  8. W

    Do you hear well with your HAs on (or with CIs on) in the noisy background?

    Background noise depends on the background noise. Some, I can manage if I can hear and read their lips. Lots of background noise, not really, I only read lips at that stage. As for what I hear, if it's lots of background noise, I just hear noise. If it's not too much background noise, I end up...
  9. W

    Vibrating under the bed,

    That works pretty well for me. I use it for when I'm not at home. I don't sleep with a pillow, so I stick it under the mattress. It's a bit more work when I get up to turn off the thing, but it certainly gets me up and going in the morning without reaching for the snooze.
  10. W

    My damaged car (accident)

    :shock: Hopefully that's in AUD, not USD.
  11. W

    TV tuners for PC

    Try MythTV: MythTV, Open Source DVR I think CC is handled at the software layer, not at the hardware layer, and is an option within mythtv. (press 'T' for CC, I think)
  12. W

    If given the chance to be hearing would you?

    The best way that I could explain it is when I was telling someone that his house shook a lot when he was doing laundry and that I could feel when it was done (without needing the buzzer). And I could feel him coming to the room, that I was in, from the other room. I told him that I could feel...
  13. W


    f'ed up - yes screwed up - no... I think it was the one that looks like "mess" turned upside down.
  14. W


    lol... accompanying drink and music optional? Though I supposed the person, who is screwed (as in unlucky), probably could use one.
  15. W


    Ah, got it, thanks! :)
  16. W


    I was out to lunch with a friend from work today, and we practice signing off each other. We were talking about how someone is screwed, and was wondering how to sign that. How would you sign "that person is screwed"? Screwed, as in that person is very unlucky. I'm pretty sure that...
  17. W

    CI Storage box

    That's good that you are able to understand the VHF better with the CI. Hopefully it'll improve even more :) As for yachtie, I guess that depends on your definition of yachtie. :) I've sailed (crewed) on boats up to 40' (feet, not meters). I've never been aboard a J-boat, and I've only done...
  18. W

    CI Storage box

    I like the baggie modification you did on the CI, I'm tempted to do that for my HA the next time I head off to the coast. Last time I went on the coast, sitting on the windward side, my HA would get a bit soaked from the spray from pounding through the chop. Fortunately, no lasting...
  19. W

    Full Stem Cell Press Release...

    While marketing/press releases can be entertaining to read, they're from the marketing department. Generally speaking, it's marketing's job to sell you water when you're already surrounded by water. Are there any scientific research papers released on this topic? The nitty gritty details would...
  20. W

    My damaged car (accident)

    Yikes, looks like quite a bump! Glad to hear that no one was severely hurt in the accident. If you do repair the car, you'll definitely want to check the engine mounts. In some cars, they are designed to fail in an accident for safety purposes. In a hit hard enough, the safety design of the...