Search results

  1. lloveparis

    D you do Product Testing ?

    l was reading on this forum last night an old thread asking if people work from home. l thought ld mention that one way to earn a reasonable income if you put the work in is to do online surveys and product testing. My daughter does this as a full time job. she earns money from surveys but...
  2. lloveparis

    Are You A Comper ?

    Morning Everyone. Are you a do you love to enter competitions ? l love it..before the pandemic l used to be a almost full time comper and won loads of things over the years. lv had to stop for a while because the pandemic hit hard companies being able to offer prizes, but they are...
  3. lloveparis

    lv decided on no hearing aids or operations.

    l was told last week that l'm losing my hearing fast in my right side good ear. lm waiting appointment to see specialist to see why it's happening. l have very little hearing in my left ear after having had 2 mastoid ops and was told l would lose most of that hearing. in that side anyway. So...
  4. lloveparis

    whats the best time/day for our 'pub quiz'

    morning everyone. l had a rethink. hubby reminded me that it might not work having a sort of 'live chat pub quiz' as most on here are in different time lines, plus not everyone has as much free time as myself to stick to a set day or time. So l was thinking how about l post on Monday to Friday...
  5. lloveparis

    whats the best time/day for our 'pub quiz'

    what would be the best day/time for our forum 'pub quiz' ?
  6. lloveparis

    Pub quiz anyone ?

    hi done a bit of researching about hosting a 'pub quiz' as lv never been to one ,so it all new to me. So the first time l do this might not go smoothly till we have at least tried it out.. so here is what lv got planned out so far. 1/ l will log into forum at a set day and time (...
  7. lloveparis

    Pub quiz anyone ?

    l ll be of line till this afternoon as l have eye appointment this morning..while im in waiting room, ll have a think about our pub quiz to see if l get any more ideas to be able to get it going smoothly..x
  8. lloveparis

    Pub quiz anyone ?

    morning everyone. l was doing a search on youtube and there are loads of videos on how to set up 'pub quiz' on zoom so people could sign to each other with the q and a but problem is l wouldnt be able to join in as l cant sigh yet ;( So your idea's about set questions on the forum l think might...
  9. lloveparis

    Pub quiz anyone ?

    l was thinking of working out of a way to do a sort of 'pub quiz' on here ..say once a week on a weekend at a set time. We could take it in turns to be the host to look up questions to ask, ie general knowledge, celeb knowlegdge, movie knowledge etc... any one thinks it would work? throw ideas...
  10. lloveparis

    Length of Captions for Instrumental Music

    l agree with others, just a few seconds of insert of no.1 at beginning would alert me to whats on rest of video.
  11. lloveparis

    Do you have a look alike ?

    ohh l love Charles Bronson.. loved his steve mcqueen...wonder what happened Bronson..ll have to take a look on youtube celeb documentaries. thanks for the compliments...some reason my hair looks yellow on there but it's white....
  12. lloveparis

    Do you have a look alike ?

    yey, worked out how to put my pic on here...hmm l look nothing like nana mouskouri..but at least better to be told l did than being told by guy when in hol in Tunisian that l looked like Dedrie from Corination Street lol.
  13. lloveparis

    Feeling very isolated at moment

    i'm in Nottinghamshire, been here 4 years to live near daughter.. lived all married life in place called Redditch ,Worc but was born in Birmingham.
  14. lloveparis

    What was the last movie you watched?

    lol, sorry didnt realise you from Uk lol..not heard of that channel, will check it out this afternoon, many thanks.
  15. lloveparis

    Feeling very isolated at moment

    many thanks for the reply..your very kind. Unfortunately l cant get out as l have severe ME for quiet a few years now...l think its called ME/CFS in the States. I'm mostly bedbound with a lot of pain all over the body and extreme Neuro symptoms , brain fog etc. l can stand up for about 1/2 hour...
  16. lloveparis

    Feeling very isolated at moment

    hi Mart, thanks for the welcome. have a nice day. It's only 59F here at moment but i'm freezing lol..whats the weather like by you ?
  17. lloveparis

    Do you have a look alike ?

    lol...l did say l looked like her in the past...far from it now. l have absolutely no idea how to post photo's on here, in fact l dont know how to post any photo's from my camera to my lap top..i'm useless lol. l was very dark haired when younger, like her, now l have pure white long hair..ll...
  18. lloveparis

    What was the last movie you watched?

    thanks Mart for the welcome :). midsomer is very popular in Uk, always having repeats on TV ( l think you call them re runs in USA ) what UK series do you get over there ?
  19. lloveparis

    Feeling very isolated at moment

    many thanks. l live in the UK but thankfully l do get some support already from local council for help with my M.E. l was thinking l need to do research on Tec aids for the home that might help for my hearing loss concerning door bell, telephone etc etc. those sort of things. l didnt even know...
  20. lloveparis

    Do you have a look alike ?

    l was wondering if you have ever been told you look like any celebrity ? l was wondering this as hubby is feeling very chuffed as our delivery man just told him he looks like Harrison Ford. Actually hubby does, but l thought he already knew that lol. Anyway, l'v been told by many people in the...