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  1. K

    Sign languages dictionaries

    Here are two live shows for LSF (French Sign Language) Websourd (news in LSF): [Websourd - site version media0] L'Oeil et le Main (The Eye and the Hand): L’oeil et la main - France 5
  2. K

    This is so rude :mad:

    I wonder if Miss Universe took place in the US, and Miss France fell on the runway, Americans would be booing and jeering her because of her country's refusal to cooperate with Bush in the matter of Iraq?
  3. K

    a Deaf man's bad luck :(

    Do you guys realise this was in 2001? I think he was freed in Dec 2002. Media centre: Press releases: 2002
  4. K

    is fruit part of dessert?

    On a French table, fruits often accompany cheeses, so it is called the cheese/fruit course. Dessert is separate, but they do sometimes incorporate fruits into desserts. A fruit can be everything, really. It can be the main course, the side course, the second course, or the dessert. On a...
  5. K

    gas prices

    When I first bought my new compact car, it only took 8 to 9 dollars to fill it up (that was five years ago.) Now it costs me 23 dollars to fill it up. And I fill it up twice a month because I use the light rail here in SLC sometimes to save gas. It is free for me because I have the EcoPass from...
  6. K

    mountain biking ?

    Wow you like coming to SLC, eh? Let me know the particulars about 2008!
  7. K

    World Public/Bank Holidays

    In Utah, we have: When I say that it is not recognised by my work, I mean that we don't get paid double our salary if we work that day: 1st January - New Years Day 3rd Monday of Jan. - Human Rights Day 3rd Monday of February - President's Day spring - Easter (not recognised by my work) 5th May...
  8. K

    In year of 2007--- School ending Due of Summer..

    My classes for summer semester began May 15th and will end June 20th. Already next Wednesday, we have midterms exams for my math class. Ugh. LOL
  9. K

    Happy Birthday to you !!!

    Gratulierer deg til dagen! Klem
  10. K

    Your Elemental Sign?

    I'm a Leo, hence my element is the fire.
  11. K

    Should children be allowed to drink alcohol at home?

    It seems that the word "depressant" is being taken out of context. In medical terminiology, the words "depressant" and "stimulant" has different meanings that does not have either positive nor negative implications behind it. Sometimes some medicines are needed to "depress" the cardiac output to...
  12. K

    Water or Coke?

    I love water, can cannot stand to drink regular CocaCola :yuck: At most, I drink one can of Diet Coke with Lime, but I would go with coffee, tea or water anytime over Coke.
  13. K

    Who's got a hobby?

    hiking, travelling, languages, anthropology, coffeehouse chats
  14. K

    anybody you went to London,England trips before?

    I would like to go to England again and to visit some places. However, with the pound being at two dollars, I think it is somewhat too expensive to visit England right now. I would wait until the exchange rates is more favourable. I remember the time when it was only $1.50 for a pound. Next...
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    *Double Check*

    British passport holders can visit in the US without a visa for up to 3 months.
  16. K

    Self-Profile based on Pics

    Imagini Visual Profile :: kuifje75 MOOD: Sofisticat FUN: Conqueror HABITS: High Time Roller LOVE: Touchy Feely
  17. K

    New here magus

    Where in the US did you live before returning to Austria? I have only visited two cities in Austria; Innsbruck and Vienna. Vienna is nice, though I was surprised that it wasn't such a large city. You live in the city of Linz, right? The Austrian team was here for the Deaflympics, and I was...
  18. K

    Hot hot hot hot weather!!

    It's still cool here in SLC, in the 50s and 60s, and nighttime in the 30s. There are low clouds hanging around the mountains, and wind blowing. But the weatherman said it would be warmer tomorrow.
  19. K

    New here magus

    Willkommen in Alldeaf. I was in Austria last month. Hope you like it here. Viel Spaß beim Lesen und Posten.
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    Bad News from Tweetybird

    TB, I am sorry to hear about your mother. I think it is good they discovered it now, so that they can go on treating it now before too late. I wish your mother a comfortable recovery from this disease and remember, a lot of people are here to support you.