Search results

  1. K

    Germany culture

    The husband of my 84 year old cousin who I keep in touch regularly on internet, (such a sweet woman), was one of the members of the Army group who liberated Dachau and guarded the concentration camp. One day, Bill (the husband of my cousin) showed me pictures from the first days he was at...
  2. K

    Germans plans travelling to California soon - searching for contacts

    Babelfish is not the best translator: Psst! Do we know each other? We were once penpals and now not so much more with letters. I live now in Utah, not so far from California. In any case, when you are at Las Vegas or Grand Canyon, we can maybe meet one day. I live five hours from Las Vegas.
  3. K

    Germans plans travelling to California soon - searching for contacts

    Hello, I have a penfriend who lives in Osnabrueck who is named Martina, but I guess you two are different people. ::Lach:: Yes, Deaf people can get into National Parks for free, if they request for Golden Access Passport. Sometimes it can save a lot of money, since it can cost about 20$ for a...
  4. K

    Germany culture

    The Eagle's Nest - Obersalzberg in Berchtesgaden - - Home This is the info website for Eagles Nest. Liebling, I want to go to Berchtesgaden because it is popular with national park and hiking. Do you know of the famous trail there? I forgot it's name... Seuffzz Never mind, I found it...
  5. K

    Germany culture

    Yes, I consider Berlin and Dresden still as "East Germany." That is why I said I never visit Northern Germany, which I meant as Bremen, Hannover, Hamburg, Kiel, etc... I have some friends living in Munster and Osnabrück and they want me to visit them. I don't know why but I don't find northern...
  6. K

    Germans plans travelling to California soon - searching for contacts

    Psst! Kennen wir uns? Wir waren einmals Brieffreunde, und jetzt nicht mehr haufig bei Briefe... Ich lebe jetzt in Utah, nicht so weit aus Kalifornien. Übringens, wenn du in Grand Canyon oder in Las Vegas bist, können wir vielleicht ein Tag treffen. Ich wöhne 5 Std von Las Vegas.
  7. K

    Germany culture

    May I correct you and ask you to read my Zitate again. I said I have NEVER been to Northern Germany. I have been to many cities in Southern Germany such as Wiesbaden, FFM, Mannheim, Aschaffenburg, Wurzburg, Nurnburg, Regensburg, Schwandorf, Amberg, Bayerische Walder, Munchen...
  8. K

    Tell us something about your town

    I hail from a tiny, unknown hometown of about 250 inhabitants on coastal meadowlands in New Jersey where my paternal family have lived for many years (since 1700s). The main industry at my village is shipbuilding, agriculture and fishing. Nowadays, a lot of people work for one of the two State...
  9. K

    Germany culture

    I liked Dresden too, when I visited in 1996. I am sure so much have changed since 1996, when Dresden still looked like an East German city with many cranes above the skyline fixing buildings. I remember them starting to work on the Frauenkirche, and that they finished it last year or two years...
  10. K

    Germany culture

    I visited Frankfurt last March and found it to be a boring city. I think Berlin or Munich is much better. Frankfurt is where a lot of businessmen work at and also a lot of Auslanders (foreigners). There isn't much to see (tourist-wise) in Frankfurt. So far, my favourite city in Germany would...
  11. K

    20 ways you waste money on your car - interesting!

    I like going to the car washes that recycle water by using greywater. Water is very precious here in the drought-prone state of Utah. I'd rather use the greywater to wash the car. Problem is, every time I wash my car, it rains. LOL
  12. K

    A working life or SSI / disability support, what is it for you?

    I work two jobs and go to school for about 7 to 11 credit hours per semester. The first job, I work 70 hours one week then off one week. So I work alternating weeks. The second job is a part time job, up to 20 hours. I still find the time to have some pleasure time doing stuff like hiking or...
  13. K

    Do animal have soul?

    It depends on the definition of the word "soul." Everyone will interpret this word differently, and should not be challenged to scrutiny. I interpret the word as something that is the core of somebody's personality; its thoughts, its feelings, its actions, etc... It is what animates a human...
  14. K

    Do you treat human and animal equal?

    Yes I know that animal and human are not equal/same but treat them equal with respect where the title of my thread is about. This is a difference between "animal and human are not equal" and "Treat animal and human equal". I disagree. Even if we claim to treat a family member and a family...
  15. K

    The pressure is on . . .

    Ha ha... I understand what you mean about landscaping purely for your own entertainment. I do that myself, and then I hear from my bf that the neighbour said something and that they have to do something to their garden. I think it is pretty silly for neighbours to be competitive. Don't you think...
  16. K

    "GBLT LOUNGE" excludes everyone else

    I think some people do not understand the fine art of sarcasm and get misunderstood, especially in the Deaf community. Don't worry about it, I saw your statements as perfectly clear supportive of the community, but thought that it was silly to rename the forum.
  17. K

    It happened again!

    Oh yeah, I see her saying "Whatever" and giving up with her debate with you because of the tacts you use with her. It leaves some bitter taste in us when reading your debates and makes us wonder if we want to participate in your debates because of your tacts.
  18. K

    It happened again!

    Im tired of your bullying tacts. Yes, you are bullying Reba. I don't see Reba's words as twisting your words. So please cut it out.
  19. K

    Do you treat human and animal equal?

    Prior ro reading Reba's statement, I thought that humans and animals were not equal at all in any respects. Then I read her statement and agreed with her fully. Most pets do not work to bring home money, and they do not make decisions for us. We simply make decisions for them. We neuter them...