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  1. K


    I love SUSHI. nam nam nam. Had some for lunch two days ago.
  2. K

    cheapest flight ticket

    I love to travel, but I don't pay attention to a specific website. Last year, I flew to Germany from Las Vegas for only 424$ roundtrip in August 2007. I didn't buy the ticket from a general website but rather from the airline website itself. Sometimes the deals on the airline's website is better...
  3. K

    TGV (high speed rail) world speed record

    These TGV trains are awesome to ride in. I have ridden these trains when I was in France, once from Paris to Poiters and back, and other time from Lyon to Paris. It feels smooth and doesn't feel shaky at all. In the US, we have "Acela Express" under Amtrak, but it can't go fast like in France...
  4. K

    ....Starbucks varies, anyone?

    Why is it that when a coffeeshop opens in a location, Starbucks has to open a shop across the street from the coffeeshop? That is the case in several locations in SLC, and I think it's pathetic. Starbuck's can open anywhere because it's well known, but no, they have to open across the street...
  5. K

    Why do people call America FREE when it's not?

    I wouldn't mind living in Vienna! :thumb:
  6. K

    Why do people call America FREE when it's not?

    The thing about America is that although we have these freedom guaranteed by our Bills of Right, we live in a culture where too many stupid people make mistakes and want to find people or companies to blame for their mistakes. So, they create lawsuits and waste our taxpayers money suing for...
  7. K

    ....Starbucks varies, anyone?

    I love drinking coffee, but I do not go to Starbuck's. The best coffeehouse is "Just Add Coffee" in Taylorsville, UT. Their coffees are to die for. I love spending my time there sitting down and chatting with my deaf friend whilst sipping coffee. The owners there are so nice. I love their frozen...
  8. K

    Do you wear HA or CI ?

    I don't wear hearing aids, and have no need nor desire to do so. I'm totally fine without them. :)
  9. K

    What's your favorite sushi?

    My favourite sushi restaurant is Tokai in Salt Lake City. They make a lot of excellent sushi dishes, especially crunch rolls. They are to die for. All of my friends love there and compare to eating there to having orgasm.
  10. K

    List USA states & countries you have touched.

    Update: Here is an update: I have been to Ireland, Norway, Sweden and Hungary. Tomorrow I am flying to Poland, and probably will visit Slovakia as well.
  11. K

    Germany culture

    I have been to Germany... Several times, actually. I was an exchange student in Germany and loved it. I have visited Dachau as well. "Arbeit Macht Frei" means "Work makes you free." I don't remember seeing this in Dachau, but I know they have this in Oswiecim, Poland at the Auschwitz and...
  12. K

    Liebling:-))) and Sunshinelady?...

    Eigentlich kann ich Deutsch. Ich habe einmal in Deutschland gewohnt. ::grinz:: (Actually, I know German. I lived in Germany once. ::grins::) Gleichfalls auch ein schönes Wochenende!
  13. K

    Liebling:-))) and Sunshinelady?...

    Actually it means: "Are you having fun here with German? It's really crazy here!"
  14. K

    If you could go anywhere in the world - where would you go??

    There are so many places I would love to go to: I was going to go visit Spain this summer, but the travel plans got changed and I ended up going to visit Poland. I will leave for Poland on Aug 14th, and visit for 10 days in Poland and Czech Republic and possibly Slovakia. I am looking forward...
  15. K

    Deaf Transsexual on YouTube

    That would be 35 deaths, 20 Americans and 15 Europeans. She's trying to sign in International Sign Language.
  16. K

    Liebling:-))) and Sunshinelady?...

    Macht ihr Spaß hier mit Deutsch? ::lach:: Es ist hier total verrückt!
  17. K

    What? Is this November already?!

    Send all the rain to Tinderbox State (Utah) we need all the rain to extinguish our bushfires.
  18. K

    ....Chocolates, anyone?

    Yes I love chocolate, but I eat it sparingly. I think it tastes better if you eat it infrequently. I don't like a lot of American chocolates, especially milk chocolate. I go for European chocolates such as Lindt's, Ferraro (Roches), Fredli (Norwegian chocolate), Cadbury's, etc... My favourite...
  19. K


    I love researching my genealogy. My father's family is mostly English and Irish, but as a bit German. My mother's family is mostly German, a bit Scottish and English. They tend to celebrate more of their German heritage more than anything, so I grew up eating, thinking and sleeping German.
  20. K

    Germans plans travelling to California soon - searching for contacts

    My friend from Canada asked if she could have the Golden Access Passport, and they gave her one without any problem. She even made it clear that she was a Canadian citizen, but they still gave her one. It won't hurt to ask at the national park anyway. Highway Nr. 1 is very beautiful, but a lot...