Search results

  1. K

    Your favorite Italian Dish?

    I grew up in an Italian American community in New Jersey, so naturally we would eat things like proscuitto with melon for appetisers, baked ziti, baked manicotti, salted cod (baccula) with veggies, and of course the tiramisu. I love caprese salad, with mozarella, basil and tomatoes. From time...
  2. K

    What's your dinner tonight?

    Tonight, I had tortellini with olive oil, basil, garlic and black pepper. It was delicious.
  3. K

    Mixed marriage

    My partner of 5 years is hearing, but sometimes I think he is the deaf one in the couple. He sometimes cannot understand some of the hearing people out there, so I lipread them and interpret for my hearing partner. LMAO. This is very true when we travel abroad, as he has greater difficulty...
  4. K

    Last Movie You Watched?

    I saw three movies this past weekend: 1) My Life in Ruins: I actually saw it earlier on on an aeroplane to Japan, but of course, there were no subtitles. Since Redbox had free movies offer, I decided to use that for this movie. It was kind of corny, but it reminded me a bit of my trip in Greece...
  5. K

    A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part I

    been a long time since I last visited here in AD. hope all is swell!
  6. K

    Airlines you have flown in?

    Update: Air Canada, Air France, AmericaWest Airways (now merged with USAirway), Arrow Airlines (now defunct), Continential, Delta, KLM Airlines, Northwest Airlines, SAS Airlines, United Airlines, USAir Since the original posting, I have flown on... Southwest, Frontier, Wideroe (Norway)...
  7. K

    Creative Airline Prices

    ITA Software - Solving the Travel Industry's Most Complex Problems gives you a good overview of the airfare prices. Remember that some online search engines will not search ALL airlines. Southwest, for example, do not publish their fares on these engines. So you would have to go to Southwest...
  8. K

    LGT Movie u saw....

    Have you seen "Yossi ve Jagger"? It's an Israeli movie about gay in the military. Also "Walk on Water," and "Bubble"? These are also Israeli movies dealing with homosexual themes. I have also seen quite a lot of films of LGBT genre so it would be crazy to name them all here. One Russian movie...
  9. K

    Deaf Boyfriend versus Hearing Boyfriend...

    There is a difference. With deaf, you can communicate easily. When you are with a hearing partner, there will be some inevitable situations such as family visits, friends, etc... which might leave you bored. As for in the bed, I haven't really noticed any difference. I have been with a...
  10. K

    Chocoholics, speak!

    Chocolate, who said chocolate? I love Lindt's too, as well as Sprügeli (it's Swiss), Milka (German), Ritter Sport (also German), etc. I like the one with dark chocolate and chilli pepper flavour in it, makes it a bit spicy for me. ONO! Most of time, I rarely make cookies, brownies or cakes...
  11. K

    Preferred Kind of Sugar?

    Turbinado or cane sugar
  12. K

    Eating out

    It's easy to keep in control of the situation. I usually sit closest to the area where the waiter would be at, and take control of the situation. If the waiter askes my boyfriend something, I just take back control and show on the menu, etc... I check the paper where the waiter wrote on, to make...
  13. K

    Should ASL be Banned from Deaf Ed programs?

    I dont think that ASL is to be blamed for poor literacy. I think it is the school system itself that sets up for that. Some hearing teachers automatically assume that Deaf people can't learn English, so they resign themselves to bad methods teaching English, especially the oral approach. Imagine...
  14. K

    Are you satisfed with your life?

    Good question, Liza! I think it is a question that we will have to keep asking ourselves throughout our lives. One moment in our lifetime, we can feel very satisified, having accomplished a goal or at a total bliss lying down at a beach under the beautiful sun, or whatever it can be. Then we...
  15. K

    Europe, Who was there already?

    Hey! It was fun visiting you and also the rest of the country. It was a fun dip, only if it wasn't for a cute American girl riding the boat a little too close to the rocks! :giggle:
  16. K

    Post your gas prices

    Even more reasons for me not to complain about the gas prices in the US, the German prices ($8.73 per gallon) makes our prices seem cheap enough! :shock:
  17. K

    Europe, Who was there already?

    I lived as an exchange student in Germany for six months, and have visited Germany again several times. I also have visited England, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Netherlands, Belgium, France, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland, Italy, Spain and Portugal. My last trip was for three weeks in...
  18. K

    What is your goal for the day?

    1) wake up early (done) 2) post off the Netflix movies 3) go to work on time, and work on my task 4) return a bag to a friend 5) clean my car 6) finish off the last laundry load 7) clean my bedroom and office 8) walk about 10 km 9) cook a nice meal for me and my boyfriend (most of time he...
  19. K

    Post your gas prices

    The petrol prices here seems stable still... it has stayed around $3.67 per gallon. Still, it is much cheaper than when we filled up our rental car in Spain last month at tune of €1.20 per litre. This works out to about $6.63 per gallon in Spain. So I can't complain about the petrol prices in...