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  1. K

    Airline Asks Passengers to Empty Bladders Before Boarding Flights

    I don't like using the airplane's toilet facilities, so I tend to try to do it before and after the flights. During these really long flights (7 to 14 hours long flights), I try to go to sleep so that I don't have to think about using the toilet. Off the point: How about we start banning all...
  2. K

    DOD Asks: How Would You Feel Showering With Gays?

    Even if I am inclined to like someone of same sex, I still prefer to shower alone in privacy. Maybe I just like being modest, and it has nothing to do with people being gay or straight.
  3. K

    What are you thinking about? Part II

    I love the cold as much as I love the heat. I prefer for the weather to stay steady so that my body can become acclimatised to it. Right now its 90s-100s in Utah and feels so good after Las Vegas. Whew... In a week or so I am going to Australia where it is wintertime, and will see why...
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    A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part II

    Just feeling lazy today and doing nothing productive except surf on the internet before meeting friends for fika.
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    How would you sign empower?

    Sometimes I think in German and can't think of the English word. So I check the dictionary and find the English equivalent. I don't think that ASL is any less than English, and both languages are great to use in appropriate settings. Also, sometimes there is no equivalent in another...
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    How would you sign empower?

    I use that one as well. If they don't understand what that means, then I expand on it and explain "give people power so they can do (whatever)." Interpreting isn't always easy :-)
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    The Tea or Coffee Game

    veggies on a pizza mild or very spicy?
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    In what country you like to visit, and why?

    Recently went on a trip to Italy and Croatia and had a wonderful time. Am going to Australia next week. Next year, I plan to go to Vietnam with my partner, and then from VN I plan to visit around Asia including Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, China and South Korea. I'd love to go to New...
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    The Tea or Coffee Game

    dogs! winter or summer?
  10. K

    Anyone here know a sign language NOT ASL?

    I learned LSF (French SL) when I was in France and also BSL when I was in the UK. But ASL is my primary language, of course. It's always fascinating to communicate with people from other countries. I find Asians to be the most difficult to understand, but I am trying my best to learn their...
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    The Tea or Coffee Game

    peanut butter. sushi or thai curry?
  12. K

    Are you evil?

    So what if people think you are evil? People think I am evil because I happen to love someone who has the same sex as mine. I think evil is a very objective word, and everyone has a different definition of what evil can be. What I look for is mutual respect and understanding amongst each other.
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    Las Vegas Photos

    I was in Las Vegas and managed to only meet Miss Delectable for only a short time. I tried to meet up with Kalista, but somehow we all got busy and didn't end up meeting. :sob: :sob: I had to leave Monday night to go back to Utah in order to work at my job. But a lot of my mates told me they had...
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    Veggie snack stall haven for hearing impaired

    Cool article, I was wondering where it was, so I had to click the link and found out that its in BAGUIO CITY, Philippines.
  15. K

    What's your dinner tonight?

    A friend and I tried a new burger restaurant. I had Beehive Burger, with fried onion, applewood bacon and cheese. It came with rosemary flavoured french fries. I ordered the grasshopper milkshake, but it tasted like vanilla milkshake. We were a bit disaapointed.
  16. K

    In France, It May Become Illegal to Call Your Spouse Fat

    I think that is the most important distinction here. Calling someone fat once, or if it's done affectionately, it wont violate this "new" law, but belittling your partner and calling her all the fat names, then yeah I can understand why they want to outlaw mental abuse.
  17. K

    Jury Duty

    good point Reba, maybe CART (captioned at real timing). Someone in the court already is typing, I wonder if it has been done before. Something in my belly tells me that it has been done.
  18. K

    Beer in your refrigerator...

    We rarely have beer in our refrigerator. Mostly we keep our wine cooler stocked with red and white wine. I am not an afficado of American beer, though there are some beers that I do like, especially some of the local beers that are microbrewed here in Salt Lake City. The Squatters Pub do brew...
  19. K

    Jury Duty

    Well... I was selected into jury duty and got accepted into it. So I was stuck with it for a week. My primary language was ASL, and they had two ASL interpreters on the site intepreting everything. Everyone including the jury members, the judge and the lawyers thought it was a very positive...
  20. K

    Are you guys sick of europe?

    I have to admit that reading the posts of this thread, I could not help but not to laugh. It's very interesting to see the Weltanschauung that our members have towards other countries. I hate to deflate the bubbles of some people here, thinking that America is the best country in the world to...