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  1. W

    Why don't you like cochlear implant?

    It's not that I don't "like" CIs. It's more that I don't feel that level of intervention is necessary for my child. As for other people and their kids, I don't really care what they choose. It's not my place to care. All that matters is that they put their child first and make educated...
  2. W

    Tooth fairy's going rates?

    I got a quarter for good teeth (no fillings) and dimes for teeth with fillings. My daughter is about to lose her first tooth and it will be a gold dollar. not sure if we'll do a lesser amount for fillings.
  3. W

    F**k you, Deaf "Community"

    I have been, all except the rape part, but from the other end. I have been severely chastised, included called a monster and abusive, for NOT implanting and not pushing speech, for 'coddling' my deaf child, for 'raising a retard'/'social outcast'/'freak', for dooming her to a life of illiteracy...
  4. W

    The sun and the earth... on cued speech

    I'm not familiar with CS, but it seems familiar to Visual Phonics - hand shapes used to notate language sounds. My daughter was using it in speech therapy until recently. It was my understanding that VP is only used temporarily until the the skills are learned and then only sporadically as...
  5. W

    Putting your deaf children in which schools...and why?

    My daughter (3 y/o) is currently in a public school EC DHH program but will be transferring to WSD after we move next summer. if we stayed here, she would eventually be mainstreamed for Kindergarten. Even now, after only 6 months of the EC DHH, I see gaps and it worries me. The communication...
  6. W

    My Honor Roll Student...Got Suspended

    I agree. Shoving was the first aggressive contact. I do wonder though, is there an ongoing history between the boys? As written, it seemed to escalate pretty quickly. Maybe something that needs to be looked into?
  7. W

    Why do parents insist on ear piercings on babies and toddlers?

    I decided long ago my girls would not be allowed to pierce their ears before they are 12, are capable of taking care of it themselves and can pay for it themselves. When they are ready we'll got to the piercing parlor here that is run by RNs where they will have a straight needle piercing... NO...
  8. W

    Getting ASL in a TC classroom

    Yes. One is very severely Autistic and the the other has other needs that prevent her from using her hands. Thanks for all the advice. I had no intention of telling the school that she'd be leaving eventually, but I have told others, and you know how things travel. We do have plans to...
  9. W

    Getting ASL in a TC classroom

    I have become concerned that my daughter is not getting any exposure to ASL in her early childhood classroom (public school DHH program). The best I can describe it, her class operated in a Total Communication fashion. The teacher speaks 100% of the time and uses a 'loose' Signed English...
  10. W

    Mother Battling for Deaf Daughter's Safety

    I don't think speed bumps will ever happen on a residential street. Not only is it a significantly greater expense to the city, and therefore the tax payers, it would complicate road maintenance and plowing. Also, a speed bump on a road with a speed limit of 25mph or greater would increase the...
  11. W

    Mother Battling for Deaf Daughter's Safety

    You're right... many drivers are too busy on their phones and eatin' tacos to worry about pesky kids in the road and could care less about that Deaf/Blind/Autistic Child Area sign, but that doesn't mean a parent should be denied the opportunity to provide it. The signs are not a substitute...
  12. W

    Mother Battling for Deaf Daughter's Safety

    I do watch my kids, regardless of their hearing status. No one plays outside alone and no one plays in the front yard. That doesn't mean it's ok for drivers to do 40 in a 25. We still go for walks (when there's not 3 feet of snow to stomp through) and because we don't have sidewalks, we have...
  13. W

    Mother Battling for Deaf Daughter's Safety

    I've dealt with this recently. Our street is a popular shortcut and prone to speeding, even by school buses (which I've made dozens of calls about). I approached our village board a year ago about having a "Deaf Child Area" placed on our street, and was denied. Their reasoning is that we are...
  14. W

    Paying money for sleepovers?

    I've not run into this, but my kids are still too young for sleepovers. IMHO, it's not right. If you can't/won't afford common courtesy when hosting a guest, don't have guests. I get the feeling this mom is one who keeps a running total and could probably provide an itemized bill at the end...
  15. W

    Mainstream V Special School

    She is in the local public school D/HH program. There are no other programs in this area, public or private. As for her being sign only, we have not eliminated the possibility of her developing speech. She just hasn't yet. She gets speech at school and we hope to develop her oral skills...
  16. W

    Mainstream V Special School

    Being a hearing parent of a deaf child who is just beginning her student career, I can already say I am not a big fan of mainstreaming for Deaf kids. My daughter (bilateral severe-profound progressive, aided, no speech, 100% ASL) turned 3 in December and transitioned to the the public school...
  17. W

    earmold costs

    DDs are $60ea last time we got them and not covered by ins. They do have a 90 day warranty though, so since she's growing so quick, I get them checked before that and get them replaced if needed.
  18. W

    got the hearing aids today

    If you can hear her hearing aids from across the room, you might want to check the fitting. Is it feedback you're hearing? Properly fitted hearing aids should make no sound for anyone but the wearer. My daughter was aided about the same age and we began signing as much as we could as soon...
  19. W

    signs for football teams.

    Living in Green Bay, I can say the local accepted sign in our Deaf community is the G on the side of the head. When referring to a specific player, follow the Packer sign with their jersey number. I'm just glad it isn't something like cheese + head. :)
  20. W

    Just your opinion

    I support the right to choose CIs. I think they are an appropriate and effective option for some. I have seen many great successes in implanting children and adults. I have also seen several failures. I believe people/parents who see CI as a 'fix' or 'cure' for deafness should be denied...