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  1. W

    Teacher of the Deaf programs

    true... but it also says In the end, it is the school who gets to decide what's appropriate. Dropping a single signing deaf child in a kindergarten class of 25 with an interpreter is common, especially when deaf schools (private and public) are few and far between. It's the best option...
  2. W

    Teacher of the Deaf programs

    That's what I think too, but until we can afford to move closer to the school for the deaf, we have to deal. I think LRE is absolutely the worst thing ever for deaf kids. How is being in a class with NO ONE who speaks your language less 'restrictive'?
  3. W

    Teacher of the Deaf programs

    I have no idea what they learn in their Masters courses, but it doesn't really matter, does it? Teachers will generally work where they can get a job, especially with all of the staff and budget cuts our lovely economy has lead us to. They may spend their higher education learning how to be a...
  4. W

    Teacher of the Deaf programs

    SEE is being taught in public schools, as are Cue and CASE. Many ToDs don't even have a functional knowledge of ASL. In our district most deaf students who rely on sign don't learn ASL until high school or later and they do so on their own accord.
  5. W

    Hearing mom

    Hi hearingheart I also have a 3 year old (3 and half next month!) who is profoundly deaf. Katie is aided but receives little benefit from her hearing aids - not enough to properly process spoken language. We've decided to forgo speech therapy until she's older and push her ASL support...
  6. W

    parents - overwhelmed and undereducated

    I never said they were the same thing. I never said one is better than the other, though I do have my personal feelings on the subject. The fact remains that if you choose some MCEs, you are borrowing your signs from ASL. For example, a person fluent in PSE can use an ASL dictionary.
  7. W

    parents - overwhelmed and undereducated

    I beg forgiveness, but I am highly confused. I did not ask you about languages. I replied regarding ASL as a language and asked what one might call a communication method that incorporates ASL signs but does not follow the rules of ASL be called. They are not languages in themselves, so I...
  8. W

    parents - overwhelmed and undereducated

    Is it not the correct usage of the word? If they're not languages, what should they be called? :confused:
  9. W

    Whats your ethnic background?

    Dad: German, 2nd generation American born Mom: pre-Revolutionary American, but lines have been followed back to Irish, English, French, Scot, Iroquois The Hubs is Polish & Belgian
  10. W

    parents - overwhelmed and undereducated

    As I indicated earlier, I assumed the OP was looking for an ASL based sign system (systems which use signs from the ASL vocabulary - PSE, SEE, CASE), as opposed to the other non-ASL systems (Cue, 'babysigns', faux sign). There are systems out there, mostly alternative babysigns systems...
  11. W

    Deaf Hate Crime Alert! Deaf Mother and Daughter Mowed Over on Purpose................

    We don't know that he hated anyone. If he is psychotic he may not even seen them as human, let alone as female. He could have truly been "seeing evil" - monsters, demons, Satan. I've seen some articles guessing he may be schizophrenic. If that's the case and he's been off his meds, there's...
  12. W

    "Fixing" the child or not?

    Neither of these have any bearing on the topic. They are choices. You choose to wear a certain style of clothes. You choose a political affiliation. There's nothing to fix. People may not like the choices and may try to talk them out of it (sometimes successfully), but you can't fix it...
  13. W

    "Fixing" the child or not?

    Yes, I feel implantation is an attempt to fix. Is that bad? Depends on the mindset of the family.
  14. W

    parents - overwhelmed and undereducated

    I wouldn't be too sad about it. Both of my girls hum. My older daughter is hearing and hums while eating and when concentrating. My younger who is deaf also hums when she's falling asleep and brushing her teeth/hair. Even my husband, who's hearing, hums while he's shaving. The phenomenon...
  15. W

    parents - overwhelmed and undereducated

    I understood the OPs comment to mean they wanted an ASL based system, not a 'babysigns' or home made signing system. And, no, ASL is not the only choice.
  16. W

    Texas Board Passes Social Studies Curriculum

    I thought it was one of those fancy cakes you see on Food Network.
  17. W

    Texas Board Passes Social Studies Curriculum

    There is only 'truth' in creation if one believes in a god... Those who believe in other gods may have their own views that contradict the standard Christian-based creation myth. So, which should be taught? How do we pick & choose a creation to teach?
  18. W

    Texas Board Passes Social Studies Curriculum

    IMHO, what's there to teach about ID? ID is not a science, it's a belief. either you do or you don't. To support teaching ID, one would have to take into consideration which deity is responsible (and there's hundreds to choose from) and then prove the existence of that deity. then there is...
  19. W

    How to Decide on Cochlear Implant Surgery for Children

    Please clarify - You are saying that equal access means ASL and SPOKEN language. If this is the case, I disagree. What about deaf kids who can't hear speech, even aided to the max? Those who have no receptive access to spoken language? To force use of a method they are physically unable to...