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  1. W

    Mendoza Legislation AB2072 Nudges California Back to Eugenics

    So, because some parents don't want it or may not make use of it, it should be denied to all parents? The same would apply to the counseling options you support, except they wouldn't get ANY info if they don't go to these meetings. Give them a binder and make them accountable. If they don't...
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    Mendoza Legislation AB2072 Nudges California Back to Eugenics

    Parents DO want to 'read all that'. They want information. They crave it. They want control over the situation. Having a resource they can take home and flip through at their leisure is far more user friendly than having to make an appointment that you will probably have to PAY for, take the...
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    Mendoza Legislation AB2072 Nudges California Back to Eugenics

    Actually, when an infant is screened in the hospital, it's done in the nursery by a neonatal nurse. If the infant 'fails' the test, the SOP is to schedule a retest because infants often have fluid in their ears, especially c-section babies. give them a couple weeks to 'dry up' and retest...
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    Woman Shoots Self To Get Health Care

    Probably, but her injury would have made finding coverage even more difficult. Even if she had found a job right away and somehow gotten coverage, the injury would probably have been classified as a preexisting condition.
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    Woman Shoots Self To Get Health Care

    Or you won't... Finding a full time, benefit providing job is a bit harder than you might think. With employers hiring fewer full time positions and then opting to work those 'full timers' at no more than 32 hours a week so they don't HAVE to pay insurance, if they choose to provide benefits...
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    Psychology of Parents on CI

    :wave: Hello down there!
  7. W

    Psychology of Parents on CI

    We will be moving to Delavan next spring so she gets 1 year of preschool at WSD before Kindergarten. We would have loved to move this year, but financially we can't swing it.
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    15-Year-Old Allegedly Raped, Then Forced to Confess to Church

    Yes, but what about the members of the church? The people who didn't know what was going on and had nothing to do with it? The little old lady on the corner who goes to mass everyday. The devout family who cherishes their beliefs. What should they do to make people like Rolling7 feel better...
  9. W

    15-Year-Old Allegedly Raped, Then Forced to Confess to Church

    Do you really think it was that easy? "Nah, I don't wanna be a Nazi... let's do something else." You can not just choose to disband a dictatorial government... there was no impeachment process for removing Hitler from office. That's one of the 'perks' of being a dictator. Lots of people...
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    Psychology of Parents on CI

    While I completely agree with your breakdown of the different roles, there is one small detail I'd like to clarify. Speech therapists are generally known as Speech & Language Pathologists and have a dual role. While they do work on speech, they should also be able to support kids in only...
  11. W

    Teacher of the Deaf programs

    When my brother was learning to read they were using phonics. He put so much effort into the sounds and pronunciation that he missed the actual meaning of the word, which the teachers also missed reinforcing. I would help him while he read aloud and was shocked at how little he understood...
  12. W

    Dr. Phil Show Features DeafBlind Triplets who Received CIs

    The same can be said for a great many children in the US. If not performing to their educational potential is neglect, then there are millions of children who are victims or at risk of becoming so.
  13. W

    Dr. Phil Show Features DeafBlind Triplets who Received CIs

    I find it hard to believe you can prove neglect and the fact that 'nobody seems to give a damn' from 20 minutes max of excessively edited film footage. Unless you've been privy to their REAL life (not the life Dr. Phil chose to focus on) AND you know all the facts, accusing as much is unfair.
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    corded ear gear

    Tried to PM you, but system wouldn't let me... I'd love to take them off your hands, if no one else wants them.
  15. W

    corded ear gear

    My daughter uses the corded Ear Gear. In fact, we're about to graduate to the 'regular' length cords from the short ones (doesn't look like they have the shorter ones anymore). She doesn't use it all the time, but when we go to the inflatables place (giant inflatable slides, bounce houses)...
  16. W

    Teacher of the Deaf programs

    Not necessarily. Many preK deaf kids are put in general special ed or speech delay classes in districts with very few deaf/hoh students. Itinerant ToD services would need to be requested and some parents don't know they even have that option. Even then, it could be as little as 20 minutes a week.
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    Teacher of the Deaf programs

    They talk to them?
  18. W

    How costly is a CI maintenance?...

    OK... so for those who would not have this covered by great insurance, what is the cost? We have the best insurance available to us through my husband's employer. Even for hearing aids, NOTHING is covered. We are allowed 1 audiogram a year, 50% coverage. Equipment, batteries, fitting...
  19. W

    Teacher of the Deaf programs

    Actually the trend is turning with the greater push toward mainstreaming. Deaf/HOH students are being taught by mainstream teachers and are being pulled out to work with ToDs on a as needed basis. Some kids get preteaching of vocabulary or concepts, extra support in trouble areas or lessons in...
  20. W

    Dr. Phil Show Features DeafBlind Triplets who Received CIs

    I completely agree. Unless you've walked a lifetime in her shoes... shows like this are carefully edited. They WANT a strong reaction from the audience and will fix it to make it look the most dramatic/shocking. What we see is such a tiny slice of their real life and is not nearly enough...