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  1. Caramlmachiato

    Tinnitus is driving me crazy

    Yes it's like that for me too ,
  2. Caramlmachiato

    Tinnitus is driving me crazy

    Thank you , I was thinking of getting ear plugs too for another reason and I will see if it helps my Tinnitus too , actually mine is much much better almost gone because I have been taking a pill that doctor gave me ,sometimes allergy pills help me too
  3. Caramlmachiato

    My name is Joel, what's yours?

    I'm doing great thanks
  4. Caramlmachiato

    Tinnitus is driving me crazy

    Well , it comes and goes ,I saw a friend this weekend twice and Tinnitus made the conversation kinda hard , I hope it's gets better maybe I need more time stress free
  5. Caramlmachiato

    My name is Joel, what's yours?

    Hello Joel ,Iam Safa Glad to be here too
  6. Caramlmachiato

    Tinnitus is driving me crazy

    Never knew stress and anxiety can worsen tinnitus , Iam indeed very anxious , thank u that was helpful
  7. Caramlmachiato

    Question for girls.. would you ever date an ARAB guy?

    Iam an Arab/coming from an Arabic culture background at least myself , culture is incredibly different , to be honest men are so used to being absolutely worshipped around here, and they are very entitled , even I find it hard to navigate But of course these are general thoughts ,people are...
  8. Caramlmachiato

    Tinnitus is driving me crazy

    Hello everyone , Tinnitus is driving me crazy it's really loud to the point I find it hard to sleep or function or enjoy anything , my doctor once told me he can't do anything bout it Is that true ? And how do you manage it ? Any lifestyle changes or any triggers I can avoid ? Any help is very...
  9. Caramlmachiato

    Hello my name is Maha, whats yours?

    Hello Maha , Iam Safa ,how r you doing ?
  10. Caramlmachiato

    I new here

    Hey Jake , Iam from the other side of the world , I live in UAE , I love to paint and read
  11. Caramlmachiato

    Can hearing aid damage hearing ?

    I got it from an audiologist so I guess then it should be okay ,, I feel it's loud sometimes but it helps alot with the tinnitus even when Iam not wearing it ,Iam not sure if this makes sense
  12. Caramlmachiato

    New here , coping ...

    Thank you zipsnelly
  13. Caramlmachiato

    New here , coping ...

    Hhhhh wow really ? Your machine s definitely haunted , what a thoughtful ghost I must say
  14. Caramlmachiato

    New here , coping ...

    I will keep that in mind , it seems really tough now but I hope one day I can come in terms with it , thank you
  15. Caramlmachiato

    New here , coping ...

    I always wondered how come sign language wasn't international ,, would've connected the whole world , anyway I will look into that for sure
  16. Caramlmachiato

    Can hearing aid damage hearing ?

    Yeah I feel the same way , and funny worn off for me already
  17. Caramlmachiato

    Can hearing aid damage hearing ?

    Ooh never knew apps like that existed ,it's very helpful I would try it out ,, would've been helpful today , it was a very difficult time in the hospital as I do rely mostly on lip reading but no chance with all the masks ,I was alone for the first time and was completely isolated , thank you...
  18. Caramlmachiato

    Can hearing aid damage hearing ?

    Are you able to distinguish speech ? I still can't understand most of what other people are saying especially with the dreadful Corona mask
  19. Caramlmachiato

    Can hearing aid damage hearing ?

    Yeah exactly ,I hope not anyway , I have very little left I can't afford to lose more