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  1. SkullChick

    NEW nucleus 5

    I'm talking about internal implant, well it have edges that may cause discomfort it doesnt matter if its thinner its still square and since it may not require any flushing to the skull, what will hold it in place? and you will still be able to feel the implant, its the square shape that turns me...
  2. SkullChick

    my son is deaf, finally

    my comment, he's moron both side pissed me off the make up story about making kids deaf, and the anti-CI "truth" to the story theory pissed me off because CI does not makes kids hearing, its just tool to help strengthen their own good, self-esteem, to be strong person with all language...
  3. SkullChick

    NEW nucleus 5

    lucky sob, wish i could get freedom for my right ear instead of waiting for next one after this 5 system internal implant come out im not having this square metal housing in my head.... huh-uh no way
  4. SkullChick

    Will cochlear implants be obsolete when stem cells comes?

    no kokonut, if you have working auditory nerves but dead cochlea Normal CI is considered if it can be stimulate to send sound to auditory nerves. ABI is for severe case of malformed, missing cochlea, NF2 tumors, progressive loss even to the deafest possible point in hearing loss, its still can...
  5. SkullChick

    Will cochlear implants be obsolete when stem cells comes?

    no no, kokonut and miss kat's mom ABI (brainstem implant) is NOT for progressive hearing loss, ABI is for people that cochlea is completely 100% dead/ completely blocked from ossification, destroyed, malformed, or absent of cochlea (the small snail shell shaped organ) but if your auditory nerves...
  6. SkullChick

    Will cochlear implants be obsolete when stem cells comes?

    uh phi, what drawbacks? also did anyone listen to this, "genetic hearing loss it will die with new nerves being put in because its genetically programmed to be deaf its dead in the first place for REASON lie in the genes" could be certain part of hearing system is flawed from mutated in te...
  7. SkullChick

    Will cochlear implants be obsolete when stem cells comes?

    no i'd pick ci over stem cell anytime anyday, its proved effective way to restore hearing in profoundly deaf people and its very safe with little risk and minimal surgery, when stem cell, many things could go wrong like what if only 500 nerves grew out of 100,000 and get crappy hearing, it can...
  8. SkullChick

    When someone is a CI candidate, whats the odds of hearing better?

    Originally Posted by SkullChick I hear better with CI than when I had moderate loss (50 across board) and aided up high that I can hear leaf rustling (less than 20 db) why? because I can hear speech more clearly and more pronounced/stand out in evirnoment, hear subtle tone difference, have...
  9. SkullChick

    NEW nucleus 5

    thats because you looked at pdf file too late, when i looked at it it had much more pages including picture of processor, remote, and remote pic for bilateral. right now a lot of pages are missing hmph
  10. SkullChick

    When someone is a CI candidate, whats the odds of hearing better?

    I hear better with CI than when I had moderate loss (50 across board) and aided up high that I can hear leaf rustling (less than 20 db) why? because I can hear speech more clearly and more pronounced/stand out in evirnoment, hear subtle tone difference, have full high frequencies hearing. for...
  11. SkullChick

    NEW nucleus 5

    i dont like the nucleus 5 system, the processor look weird with silver strip on back and the internal implant metal housing is square i have slight uncomfortable on the edges part of my implant, and its semicircle shape imagine with square housing ouch! I hope thats not what im getting when its...
  12. SkullChick


    how does it not cause stretch mark? i gained weight from 90 to 110 like 6 months ago and I only fill in volume but same cup size and i got stretch mark?! same thing for butt i wear size 3 jeans (former double zero in some brands, most other brand was too big!) to accompany it lol it sucks i used...
  13. SkullChick

    Not happy with my latest hearing aid. Frustrated (again)...sigh.

    you should really try oticon sumo analog or digital version, they're most powerful one on market if it doesnt do the trick, theres nothing else except ci
  14. SkullChick

    ugh..pillows and weather causing implant pains.

    I take pamelor/nortriptyline (prescribed by surgeon) for implant pain (I have sensitive skin and I'm also migraine sufferer so that why I got it sometime) it work if you keep taking it daily before bed and only 1 downfall is if you missed 1 you'll wake up with migraine lol at least that's good...
  15. SkullChick


    PINKY!!!!!!!!!!! Where are you! :lol:
  16. SkullChick


    When I got activated the speech got so much clear but for female voice I hear really high pitch squeal after every word for example "can-ee you-ee hear-ee me-ee?" haha it went away after 2 months I think. It will sound VERY weird for you, probably will sound like beep to you for little bit...
  17. SkullChick

    Bad News - Denied for CI

    So what? Leave him alone, he want it in dead ear, and if its better than his aided hearing, what's so bad about it? It'd be awesome and he still can use his residual hearing for some low frequency that ci might not cover, and he can hear in other frequencies as well so it won't become useless...
  18. SkullChick

    How well does your CI actually work?

    I was born with moderate loss (50 db) until age 17. The CI sound much better and clearer than hearing aid at moderate loss of 50 db. I didn't vote because there wasn't option that fit me (I can't lipread at all without CI, but I can't understand whole thing by just listening no visual cues so...
  19. SkullChick

    Annoying sounds

    Most sound doesn't bother me only metallic sound makes me cringe little bit (metal hitting other metal) most heavy metal/loud music with guitar disortion yuck I just pop my ci coil off :lol: Pomperian (spelling?) dog's bark omg I hate it (I loved those dog when I'm not wearing ci, with it on...