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  1. SkullChick

    NO stem-cell discussion, HA and CI only

    Figure I'll put out thread that's stem-cell crap isn't allowed in this thread so we all can discuss about hearing aid and CI without getting interupted with stem-cell which we clearly have no interest into. Anyways I'll start. Since I read the article about cochlear corp signing deal with...
  2. SkullChick

    lost more hearing...

    Naida (since you're with Phonak and probably trade-in) have wide fitting range so it should do you well until it reach to the point that you're ready for CI evaluation to start, and I'm curious once you get that point, what brand you like and are you going to try get bilaterals surgery done at...
  3. SkullChick

    lost more hearing...

    How much did you lost? If you have audiogram And what kind hearing aids you're looking at?
  4. SkullChick

    Missing or Malformed Cochlea's

    oh wow, you may ask CI center if shes candidate for ABI (auditory brainstem implant) its fairly sucessful but not as great as other hearing assistance device. or you can just let her learn sign language, dont listen to professional if they advised against sign language this girl have no...
  5. SkullChick

    Nucleus Freedom with Batteries

    you can ask audi to put same mapping in black bte to use it until you buy more CI batteries from cochlear store or microbattery websites or audi order it for you?
  6. SkullChick


  7. SkullChick

    Playing keyboard doesn't sound good with digital aids (testing Naída V UP now)

    why it seem like all audi like to lie that analogs are gone and discontinued? its not true! theres still couple out there and most powerful ha oticon sumo DM can be programmed as analog and theres analog version of it too (E and Xp)
  8. SkullChick


    my nephew im done with one its patchwork with 3 different shades of blue and i have ton of same yarns leftover so im currently making solid light blue and if it wasnt enough i'd add the other 2 shades of blues on both ends in stripes. my mom's afghan is dye-lot so its "tie-dyed" shades of...
  9. SkullChick


    any crochet fan out there? I'm currently working on 3 afghans right now one for mom, one for my nephew and one for myself :D
  10. SkullChick

    Gender Wars over baby's sex?

    wow 14 weeks, do you get morning sickness? im excited for you!
  11. SkullChick

    I lost a hearing aid...

    haha thats kind of funny, i have 2 big dogs as well. one loves to chew electric cords! i dont know how he havent gotten electroucted yet the other one loves leather so she tore up jason's parent leather couch yike! part of life im wondering once you retrieve ha can you send the feces-covered ha...
  12. SkullChick

    cerebral palsy and deafness

    mauchausen thingy!
  13. SkullChick

    cerebral palsy and deafness

    you are not deaf you're mildly hard of hearing in low frequencies.
  14. SkullChick

    Please! Advice needed badly!!! Only deaf in family/drama

    i know all this too well im only deaf one in 600 years family history on my grandma genealogy book lol. imagine that. what i do is keep it to myself and keep asking what when one person isnt talking to get brief overview whats being going on theres not much you nor I can do about this really it...
  15. SkullChick

    Interested to meet CI in person via VP

    my vp isnt up yet we're working on the router thing then we will try set it up with what we have right now later when we have time but in meantime talk to me anywhere on here or pm
  16. SkullChick

    Thinking about CI

    you can ask me, ASL is my language grew up around deafies whole my life, immersed myself in deaf cultures so im pretty much the type you're looking for and i have CI.
  17. SkullChick

    what hearing aid

    agreed, you hear fine in important frequencies. just lay off the loud bass in music you have low freq hearing loss. only you should start get concerned is when your high frequency is affected like 40db then hearing aid would be considered
  18. SkullChick

    Do you feel lucky you did not get a CI when a child?

    i was moderately hoh so i wasnt candidate when i was young lol but if i was profoundly deaf as baby i wouldnt mind if my parents implant me really it'd be great and acquire better speaking and listening skills than if i wore hearing aid
  19. SkullChick

    Headphones and hearing aid(s) and cochlear implant(s)

    it wont feedback if you switch ha to telecoil its best thing ever with headphone!
  20. SkullChick

    Thinking about CI

    im naturally strong-minded person and doesnt give **** about what other people thinks but heres my insights, dont worry about what other deaf people think, just be strong and said look, im still deaf and do i still uses signs? yes am i still same jenny? yes so shush stop get all worked up over...