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  1. SkullChick

    break up advice

    Wirelessly posted well my engagement ended 10 days ago and we were together for almost 5 years and my relationship before him was my first real bf and it wasnt good relationship (hes controlling) so I was in relationship for 7 years now and I dont know how to be single and it makes me...
  2. SkullChick

    Do you dream in Sign?

    Wirelessly posted nope, always speaking or telepathy, only saw signs in dream 2 times in my entire life, dunno why
  3. SkullChick

    Remove the CI

    Wirelessly posted No I actually like implanted side better because of no tinnitus at all, no sound coming in without processor at all and don't feel pressurized when storm coming or sudden change in air pressure like flying in plane or driving downhill etc like my unimplanted ear still feel it...
  4. SkullChick

    Naida V SP/UP

    When I'm out of house and during weekend (jason days off) I just don't see point of wearing it in house when I'm all alone lol and on tv the female voices don't sound right for some reason in real life it sound fine, lately it been frustrating because nobody's talking to me (voice-wise) just...
  5. SkullChick

    Naida V SP/UP

    Yeah I totally undy the tinnitus while I had tiny bit of hearing left in right, it was ridilicious loud sound like banshee screaming anytime I'm upset or crying omg it sound like 1 million decibels or something but as soon as my hearing dropped to NR (no reponse) it been heaven lol quietest...
  6. SkullChick

    WOW new ear molds!

    The canal look normal to me I've always had it that length since age 3? Weird. Lol Why don't you add glitters to clear earmold next time I did with my last one when I could wear one (for only 3 months until I went totally deaf NR at all frequencies in my nonimplanted ear) I picked silver...
  7. SkullChick

    Naida V SP/UP

    Sweet, I love the zebra! How much is the improvement in speech discrimination? Hope it work out well and last you little longer than all your aids lol remember if your speech discrimination get under 60 you should be qualified for ci I don't think it need to be 40 since you used to be hearing...
  8. SkullChick

    Florida Baby Born Without Eyes

    So what if the baby born without eyes, I've been following one blog about girl that have chromosome abnormality born without eyes, microephaly (small head), mild hearing loss, possibile have mental retardation, but she look beautiful to me even without glass eyes, I don't care if baby born...
  9. SkullChick

    Menstrual Cycle

    Yeah but I have extremely painful cramps that is disabling me and my period lasts 9 days, plus I have endometrosis and couple cysts, heavy bleeding so I'm on BC depo provera shot I think 2 years now and it have been god-sent I can enjoy life now and endometrosis seem to stay same ever since, it...
  10. SkullChick

    hit my head:(

    Snowboarding hurt lol I fell hard twice on powderpuff slope (step up from beginner and its my 2nd time snowboarding ever) my muscles by knee feel like its on fire for 1 week and couple of bruises and my thighs gave out couldn't get up or stand up without falling lol no helmet (can't afford it...
  11. SkullChick

    any knitters

    I crochet, I finished my mom xmas afghan, nephew afghan, 1 baby boy on the way (due in late spring) afghan finished, 2 scarves done for myself, currently working on baby girl on the way (due april) its white with pastel colors randomly striped on white yarn, pretty! In bubble baby blanket...
  12. SkullChick

    Tendency to be too thin....

    Cupcake, lol eat 3 to 6 cupcake a day it was ONLY thing that helped me gain weight I've tried everything else, with no luck lol I used to be 88-90 pound I don't know how to convert it to kilograms sorry! And I'm 5'2 but one summer I craved cupcake and I found my #1 favorite combination and I ate...
  13. SkullChick

    Med EL or new Nucleus 5?

    Med-El processors uses remote too
  14. SkullChick

    Med EL or new Nucleus 5?

    Med-El do have wearing option One is tiny top part with plastic ear hook that hold all around in back of ear and bottom part pin on shirt, all ear-level, or whole processor (its same size as ear level but not curved its straight to clip on shirt) it have longest electrodes it cover most low...
  15. SkullChick

    Do you have any allergies

    I'm allergic to fragrance in sunblock/lotion type stuff (rash found out at age 6), any rodents (rash found out in 8th grade) diazepam (its sedative, tachycardic reaction my heartbeat go up to dangerous level, found out few years ago for scope prodecure to see if I still have ulcers in stomach)...
  16. SkullChick

    Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction

    Yeah I get that all the time and I can't even hear loudest sound in universe RIGHT in my ear (completely deaf in both ear no sound only vibration with most powerful ha maxed out) its like um hello I'm deafer than any one of you and you're accusing me of being hearing? Ha maybe its because of my...
  17. SkullChick

    Stem cell available in Kansas City

    So does that mean I'm "star"? I scored almost 80% from low 40% in sentence test. Monosyllable words is hard for anyone with any kind of hearing loss things sound same! Its same idea as speech in noise, anyone with hearing loss will have difficulity. I'm no where near "star" student with CI I...
  18. SkullChick

    Does the cold effect your CI?

    Cold affects my joints it get achy and slightly stiff (I'm only 22! Not 60??) and it sometime make my incision scar ache on angle where doctor cut from ear toward scalp part (guess I have scar tissue under there?) sinus get achy so it causes me to have headache more often but never the CI itself...
  19. SkullChick


    ONLY 9 SQUARES LEFT!!! Then I'll be DONE with my mom xmas gift afghan lol (108 squares total to do that afghan so I have 99 done) I took a break and practiced few different kind of socks and booties so far I really like lion brand "easy booties" it took me 4 tries to figure out the top of foot...
  20. SkullChick


    I'm soooooo close to finishing my mom afghan it look awesome I only have 17 red squares and 18 lilac squares left then edging with scallops stitch then all done!!! Lol I can't wait to finish it so I can move on to next project with orange and black afghan that one won't take long to finish, then...