Search results

  1. SkullChick

    Healthy two-headed baby born in Brazil

    Wirelessly posted I do not support seperation unless one is parastitic twin, too much risk of death. (50/50 chance of living with health issue and death) take one kendra and uhh mackenzie? twin, one had to be on dialysis and in poor health while other thrives, however have one leg and have...
  2. SkullChick

    Knitters Corner

    Wirelessly posted I knit contiential style because I dont like change lol (I'm crocheter so I hold yarn on left hand and english as you to hold on right hand, no way I tried that and I cant do anything right lol) so far I can knit, purl, stretchy cast on and "shortcut" cast on, increase...
  3. SkullChick

    Knitters Corner

    Wirelessly posted learn to control your tension when making chain, I'm expert on crochet so ask away :) try to makes it even too so it dont look wacky lol
  4. SkullChick

    It is confirmed....

    Wirelessly posted ok thanks :)
  5. SkullChick

    It is confirmed....

    Wirelessly posted I might have US/RP I never really asked my eye doc to refer me to opthalmologist to find out about my night blindness and new issues with my visions? How that goes? I have medicare and live in north delaware
  6. SkullChick

    Just curious.. anyone with night blindness?

    Wirelessly posted I have bad night blindness, I first noticed I cant see well in night at age 14. I'm wondering if I have usher's too my light sensitivity been getting worse too and I cant tell if my peripheral vision is getting smaller, I've been experiencing weird issues like little...
  7. SkullChick

    So I'm thinking of moving to Delaware...

    Wirelessly posted I live in wilmington DE I'll say you should live in newark its great town and lewes is nice beach city but the rent are high lol its not true when people say theres nothing in DE I love it here
  8. SkullChick


    Wirelessly posted I dont want to risk that cuz I was obsessed with killing myself, warped view of self, angry easily, do crazy thing and little delusional and I'm happy with way I am right now with medication in system. my brain's so quiet with only my own thoughts and I smile and able to...
  9. SkullChick


    Wirelessly posted yeah but I'm different my depression is genetic and I cant be reasonable and sane without medication and sometime I'd just flip out and have nervous breakdown over little thing and I had 2 other voices in my head they have "name" even (lefty and righty I know its dumb name...
  10. SkullChick


    Wirelessly posted I take prozac for my genetic depression and it work pretty well it wont completely cure you from depression. what it does is reduce it to minimum and nausea is normal at first but it will go away also important info, never ever stop anti depressant/antipsychotic cold turkey...
  11. SkullChick

    Does anyone here use BAHA?

    Wirelessly posted cant you get trial period?
  12. SkullChick

    Does anyone here use BAHA?

    Wirelessly posted I dont think its worth it unless you have atresia or ear canal/structure abnormality, test Bi-Cros hearing aid with trial period
  13. SkullChick


    Wirelessly posted lol cute
  14. SkullChick

    I'm really freaking out.. there's a red spot on my left eye?

    Wirelessly posted I'm sure its nothing maybe eye sty or broken blood vessel
  15. SkullChick

    Why call babies "it"?

    Wirelessly posted he/she
  16. SkullChick

    Hearing Impaired NFL Cheerleader

    Wirelessly posted oh god, so close-minded arent you authentic? whats so bad about deaf people that doesnt sign? they're still deaf people just different method of communication
  17. SkullChick

    Foods Your Dogs Should Not Eat!

    Wirelessly posted be very cautious with german sheperd they're known to be very allergic-prone breed (from my experience) one time one ate one bit of onion and got sick with high fever for several days it was awful. Also be super careful handling human OTC medicine because some of them are...
  18. SkullChick

    Not a paerenting thread - Autism thread

    Wirelessly posted uhh no I dont see any correlation with anything about autistic people just behavior and thought process is similiar
  19. SkullChick

    update on frankie

    Wirelessly posted dont explain it to them they dont deserve to know, if someone is truly want to know just to get to know who frankie is then go ahead explain. If idiot ask bunch of stupid questions, give them stupid answer
  20. SkullChick

    Acne in my ears, what should I do to get rid of them?

    Wirelessly posted swab neosporin with Q-tip on acne it work for many people since it have antibacterial/antibiotics properties in it