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  1. xunixan

    cochlear implant experience

    1. Apr 2012 2. Immediately, but a couple months of tweaking to get it 'just right' 3/4. Direct audio input is the best for me, I can hear tv/movies fine without subs. Quiet environments do best with CI's, if it get's too noisy or there are to many people talking the CI just doesn't have the...
  2. xunixan

    Best Deaf Cell Phones? Samsung Galaxy Note II is one!

    I've got an S2 and love it, I've found I hear the best with this phone using either speaker or even placing the phone by my CI. I struggled with the iPhone. My only complant is battery life, even with power saving apps I'll likely need to recharge it by the evening.
  3. xunixan

    Dating after 50? is it too late?

    i've forgotten how to date. girls my age want to go clubbing, concerts, pubs... too noisy after 50 I would think you could wave a finger and get hooked up with all that experience and self-confidence!
  4. xunixan

    Lil one going under the knife again

    :( Just know the younger they are the stronger they are.
  5. xunixan

    Tell us about your 2013 hang over

    Nekkid and got a new cat.
  6. xunixan

    Needed to vent frustration to people who understand

    mumblers suck. my father tends to mumble too, there's not much we (deaf/hoh) can do about it, even lip reading doesn't work too well as they don't really form their words. my advice is to just be up front and honest about it, but in a humorous way. such as, "heh would LOVE to hear what you...
  7. xunixan

    Work from home for Deaf?

    TRUTH: working online is very much real and very easy to do. FACT: unfortunately, advertising "I want to work online" does not work. There is a lot of competition online, and for some, $300-$400 bucks is month is all some need while still bringing the skills to the table. You need to run your...
  8. xunixan

    Deaf people can set up business ?

    what? nothing in life is easy. being deaf is just a bonus to motivate you further to succeed
  9. xunixan

    Re-Thinking CI

    well, I personally went with AB for the fact they seemed to offer more in terms of technology (At this time) in terms of hearing as much as you used to. i think this best relates to people who could hear once and had lost or are losing that ability. Here's some techo garble that inspired me...
  10. xunixan

    Re-Thinking CI

    Hi Alex, Good luck, I am heading into my second CI surgery in a few weeks for the left ear and have only good things to say about them. Sure it's no fancy hearing aid, but it lets me communicate with the world once more and no doubt will help you too. This is UNTRUE! I too was worried...
  11. xunixan

    Oral Surgery After a CI

    no I've not had issues and had to lose the wisdom bottoms shortly after the first CI. My only recommendation is to leave the CI at home while they're doing their thing :shock:
  12. xunixan

    The Person Below Me

    True, though in this blizzard out there it wouldn't be of much use The person below me has gone sky diving
  13. xunixan

    New Girl. Hello :)

    Hi and Welcome! It's hard I know I went from hard of hearing to complete deafness overnight and understand where you're coming from. Nice to have you here, I'm sure you'll find lot's of similar stories and experiences to relate too!
  14. xunixan

    T-Comm for AB's Neptune

    sweet! let us know how it is. I've got the Neptune and will be going bilateral in Jan where I was told they'll include the T-comm as part of the kit. What do you mean you need a spare T-mic, does that not come with the T-Comm / something I have to order separately?
  15. xunixan

    $4,500 in Gas Siphoned in Latest Calif. Pump Heist

    sad sign of things to come..
  16. xunixan

    Agil. New hearing aids I will be getting.

    I spend nearly 6K on a pair of Agil's with the Oticon streamer - it was a huge improvement over my old CIC Music Pro's, that is, until I lost what was left of my hearing and moved onto CI's. I really enjoyed the Agil's bluetooth ability and found the sound quality to be quite decent. Ended up...
  17. xunixan

    Ci 3 month progress

    very nice! I noticed after the 3mo mark I no longer needed to use subtitles which was HUGE for me. Congrats :)
  18. xunixan

    Captions at the Movies

    the theatres around here offer this cc device that you bring with you into the theatre. it's rather large / bulky and had the text displayed in a bright green. i would have to balance my viewing between looking down at the subtitles and up at the screen. i didn't find it too ideal. in TO I...
  19. xunixan

    What was the last movie you watched?

  20. xunixan

    Once Upon A Time

    lost interest somewhat in season 1 but it's really picked up for season 2. been watching weekly since.. very creative and since I just finished watching Stargate SG-U it's great seeing robert carlyle as Rumpelstiltskin