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  1. Zeo

    Age Gap Relationship

    No, 18 years old are considered a legal age in U.S. to give the consent and date anyone no matter what the gap is as long as the partner are 18 years old or older, lol. Some states in U.S. does have the age of consent being 17 as well, thus making it legal for age 17 to date anyone as long as...
  2. Zeo

    Deaf Protest, Washington, DC., Sept. 6-9

    I am going to be completely honest with this post. If the mods find this offensive, they can just go ahead and remove this post. But anyway... Ah yes, they're currently the 'hot' topic going on for a while now in the Facebook group 'Deaf Thought Police' and in some other groups too. We found...
  3. Zeo

    Hey! Deaf - Usher's Syndrome (type 1) here!

    Oooh I see. Last time I got my vision checked... I believe my vision acuity on the right eyes are 20/25 while the vision acuity on my left eye are 20/40... So I can see quite well right now but I'm getting my vision test again in few days though, so we'll see the results. Yes, I've heard...
  4. Zeo

    Hey! Deaf - Usher's Syndrome (type 1) here!

    Oooh that's too bad! I found out about my Usher's Syndrome during 7th grade (I think I was 13 or 14 at that time) but I didn't understand much about it yet so I wasn't too worried but I understand it fully now. I am currently 21 right now and lot of people are encouraging me to get a driver's...
  5. Zeo

    Hey! Deaf - Usher's Syndrome (type 1) here!

    There's several types of usher's syndrome; but yes, I have type 1. Edited my title a bit.
  6. Zeo

    Hey! Deaf - Usher's Syndrome (type 1) here!

    Hello guys, I am Zeo and I am considered as deaf-blind. As the title stated, I am fully deaf and I have usher's syndrome. I know some of you guys already know what it is but I will go ahead and explain what the usher's syndrome are. It's common genetic disease (or disorder, whatever floats...