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  1. Zeo

    Deaf Protest, Washington, DC., Sept. 6-9

    Won't be surprised if Charlton told his own mother to do that though. I've said this before that Charlton is desperate for attention and he would do anything to make himself look good.
  2. Zeo

    Deaf Protest, Washington, DC., Sept. 6-9

    Apparently, they made up the new bill to propose to the congress during deaf protest that all the jobs will be required to hire the deaf person first before hearing about a week ago? To be honest, I laughed SOOOOOOOOO HARD at this 'bill' because it's obviously not going to happen... They're not...
  3. Zeo

    Hot soup and a Hot weather

    Haha, I am quite like you... I don't know why I crave hot foods during summer like soup and so on while I crave cold stuffs like smoothie during winter time!
  4. Zeo

    Deaf Protest, Washington, DC., Sept. 6-9

    Haha, yeeeah. Charlton shared some guy's post on Facebook where the deaf protest was like 'Black Deaf Protest" and most of us pointed out his stupidity and he took the post down. Luckily, some of us took a screenshot as an evidence. I'm just posting this one here so some of you guys...
  5. Zeo

    What do u do on ur spare time?

    Mainly surfing on the Internet, spending time with my wonderful fiancé, playing video games, and design/sew clothes.
  6. Zeo

    Deaf Protest, Washington, DC., Sept. 6-9

    I think it's quite a common sense on why, but I'll point out few things. 1. There's no formal letters, evidences, and many more that is important if you want the politics to be involved, all he have is the permit to do a protest. 2. Charlton plus few of his followers won't even address most...
  7. Zeo

    Deaf Protest, Washington, DC., Sept. 6-9

    Apparently Charlton changed the spot to do the protest because he claim the first spot only will allow up to 3k deaf people while the new spot will allow up to 20k deaf people... Yeeeah, he would be really lucky to have even have 200 in the riot- oops, did I say riot? I mean protest..! lol...
  8. Zeo

    Long Car Ride!

    I've done the 24 hours trip long several times, it wasn't too bad. Just sleep for a bit and take few things for you to do such as handheld games or books!
  9. Zeo

    What's your favorite Food?

    I will go with the three like almost everyone here as well! 1. Sushi 2. Thai curry 3. Manicotti
  10. Zeo

    Deaf Protest, Washington, DC., Sept. 6-9

    We are going quite off the topic again, aren't we? Heheh, but I'll say something in regard to your post, Robin. I believe Ricky Taylor and Krona Duncan are the same person. He alternate between those two accounts because he got suspended by the Facebook due to the violation of FaceBook's policy...
  11. Zeo

    color blind

    I think everyone are at least slightly colorblind, because we all see the colors differently. For me, I have a bit of hard time telling the difference between black and navy (really dark blue) so I would often confuse the navy blue as black. And also... When I see gray, I get confused with...
  12. Zeo

    Deaf Protest, Washington, DC., Sept. 6-9

    Well, I am not exactly sure what was your beef with the hearing people but the world consist of at least 95% hearing people, so you kinda have to cooperate with some of them. You do have to realize not all the hearing people are bad though. Anyway, ASL are still connected with English in a...
  13. Zeo

    Hey! Deaf - Usher's Syndrome (type 1) here!

    Yup, I will have to agree with you. Me and my fiancé both are considered deaf-blind so we can't drive even if we wanted to. It's also quite difficult to find a place to live on your own if there's not much of public transportation as well, so what's important for us is to try and find a place...
  14. Zeo

    Deaf Protest, Washington, DC., Sept. 6-9

    Yes... But how was ASL set up? From using English words. ASL are connected to the English. Same concept for how JSL are connected to Japanese, and so on. If you don't know what the sign is, you ask someone or look it up and they basically give you an English word. You do sign from an English...
  15. Zeo

    Deaf Protest, Washington, DC., Sept. 6-9

    English does not have to be from hearing and speaking only. We all are reading English right now, and we all are writing/typing in English as well. I grew up signing fully and I did go to a deaf institute during my high school time. English is not only from hearing and speaking but they're from...
  16. Zeo

    Age Gap Relationship

    Yeah, agreed with you and Reba on this as well. As long as the relationship are mature, it should be fine... But I did state in my post that age 18 is the legal age and you are at the point where you can date a guy or gal in their 50s or 60s because 18 years old (or 17 years old in some states)...
  17. Zeo

    Deaf Protest, Washington, DC., Sept. 6-9

    This person get it, the world consist of most people who are hearing and same goes for America, so sadly... You do kinda need to try to have at least decent English in order to be able to communicate with the hearing people that doesn't know how to sign. Yeah, it's not fair for some of the deaf...
  18. Zeo

    Deaf Protest, Washington, DC., Sept. 6-9

    Yes, I do sign. Why? However, where did I say that he is an bad leader because he's a felon? I only said he's a bad leader because of the impression he left for us, and we have the right to think from the impression. deleted all the comments that stated the concerns, questions, and...
  19. Zeo

    Deaf Protest, Washington, DC., Sept. 6-9

    There's one source of him committing a felony. Here you go. I find it funny that one guy tried to say I was doing lot of slandering toward him because the things I mentioned in a previous post does...
  20. Zeo

    What is your mode of communication with Hearies?

    Me and my fiancé both are deaf. However, we always carry a mini notebook and few pens so we can communicate with the hearing people. If needed, we have our own cell phone and we can put the texts on there and show to the hearing people. Simple.