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  1. Zeo

    Deaf Protest, Washington, DC., Sept. 6-9

    Yes, I understand that, however... People have to keep on fighting for the rights just like what they did for women, black, and LGBT. You can't just expect everything to work out smoothly for you after the first time. Yes, some people do deal with the problems daily, and it apply for some deaf...
  2. Zeo

    Deaf Protest, Washington, DC., Sept. 6-9

    The sad thing is... The owner of DeafNation fell for their trick which led him to think the deaf protest was set as a purpose to help the jobs, educations, and ADA. The only reason the deaf protest was set because Charlton came in some fast food restaurant, demanding a 'deaf' discount for the...
  3. Zeo

    Kentucky clerk refused have same sex marriages license!

    I didn't find anything on her exact words since there's not enough information when I tried to google about this. I did hear some of the attacks she made according to some witnesses from quite a while ago, but they could be making up what they're saying to make Kim Davis look bad or Kim Davis...
  4. Zeo

    Kentucky clerk refused have same sex marriages license!

    I think we should have marriage licenses being handed out starting tomorrow, according to the news, so I presume yes.
  5. Zeo

    Kentucky clerk refused have same sex marriages license!

    I believe she can get out of the jail when she's willing to provide the license to anyone regardless of who they are... Or well, that's what the news say. Unfortunately, throwing her into jail seem to have made her even more of a martyr and now she is refusing to give the marriage license to...
  6. Zeo

    Kentucky clerk refused have same sex marriages license!

    I really appreciate you being respectful and honest. I can agree with you to some extent on that that both side are bit bigoted. As one of my friends told me... We all are a bigot in a way(s) technically. Some LGBT folks are throwing threats at her such as death threat which can make LGBT have...
  7. Zeo

    Kentucky clerk refused have same sex marriages license!

    I do apologize if it seem like I was attacking you because it seem like you were against the homosexuality... I have the tendency to be really blunt. We cool? ;) As for bigotry... I can see what you're saying but I'll repeat myself. It's okay to have your own beliefs... But as soon as you start...
  8. Zeo

    Kentucky clerk refused have same sex marriages license!

    To be honest, I am quite surprised the people are allowed to defend the person that are basically discriminating the LGBT folks due to her beliefs, ESPECIALLY when we have a sticky thread in top of the GLBT section telling the users that disagree with the LGBT lifestyle and stuffs like that to...
  9. Zeo

    Kentucky clerk refused have same sex marriages license!

    Ah right. I forgot about this because some of us have been getting into a debate about religion in term of LGBT. I can go ahead and remove that part if needed.
  10. Zeo

    Kentucky clerk refused have same sex marriages license!

    Like I said, people often twist and change what religion actually follow, which is why there's so much hate for everyone nowadays. It's bit difficult to understand this paragraph so I apologize in advance if I got the wrong idea from this. However, I am not against anyone for having their own...
  11. Zeo

    Kentucky clerk refused have same sex marriages license!

    Like I said, there's the difference in standing your beliefs, and using your beliefs as an excuse to discriminate against certain group... It's like from about 200 years ago when people used religion to justify the black slavery and things related to that when religion doesn't even mention...
  12. Zeo

    Kentucky clerk refused have same sex marriages license!

    While I do support the clerk being thrown into jail or being fined... I am concerned about that if it does really happen because it'll only going to make her even more of a martyr. I don't get why she just simply can't resign the job and let someone else take over... She'd rather stay to try and...
  13. Zeo

    Kentucky clerk refused have same sex marriages license!

    I'm sorry but no, you're one who are not getting it, not everyone else in this thread. :roll: You have the right to believe what you want but you are responsible for doing your job and you can't let your religious beliefs take over your job when it comes to discriminating against certain group...
  14. Zeo

    Kentucky clerk refused have same sex marriages license!

    She have the right to believe in what she want, however... As soon as she started to discriminate the LGBT people, it is not okay. I am sorry but you still get in trouble for discriminating against anyone. Trying to pull out a religious card does not make your action ok as well.
  15. Zeo

    Kentucky clerk refused have same sex marriages license!

    Uh no, if you let your emotion/religious beliefs take over your job, then you shouldn't be working in the first place, she should just do her job or resign. You are allowed to have freedom of religion, yes... However... The moment you use it to discriminate any certain group... Well... They're...
  16. Zeo

    Deaf Protest, Washington, DC., Sept. 6-9

    So much of this. This guy explained it right. Sorry Hoichi but I don't really see how solidarity is relevant with this. Most of us do support a protest mainly for good causes but deaf protest is only there for the wrong cause. Charlton got butthurt because he demanded some discount (for being...
  17. Zeo

    Who saw sharknado 3 Oh hell no!

    I know it's not even good, but like you said... I watch those Sharknado stuffs just for hoot.
  18. Zeo

    Deaf Protest, Washington, DC., Sept. 6-9

    Also, I think this is an appropriate time to say he have a really poor plan with the deaf protest considering he was begging for some people to give him the money to travel from his home place in Florida to Washington DC. He also expect someone that live in Washington DC to provide him the room...
  19. Zeo

    Deaf Protest, Washington, DC., Sept. 6-9

    Something some guy made several days ago, thought you guys might would get a kick out of it! Sad thing is that it's pretty accurate too about why he's doing the dad protest. Oh and I also feel bad about the deaf protest because turns out we have this as well!
  20. Zeo

    Deaf Protest, Washington, DC., Sept. 6-9

    Rockin'robin - Ah, yeah, he made a vlog to try and explain about those three theory... To be honest... They don't even have anything to do with the deaf protest and they're only just trying to belittle the grassroots. :giggle: They set their own Facebook page called "DEAF PROTEST" and I've...