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  1. Arthaey

    What Do Hearing Ask About Deaf?

    A lot of the threads on these forums are exactly that: hearing people asking Deaf people questions. :)
  2. Arthaey

    Hating to use "spoken" English?

    I feel contradictory things here. On the one hand, it's true that you can never really know what it's like to walk in another person's shoes when their experiences are so distinct from your own. On the other hand, this reminds me a little of the discussions going on in feminist circles...
  3. Arthaey

    Hating to use "spoken" English?

    The real question is, do our comments show we* are learning, or do we still not "get it"? :) * or at least some hearies; certainly can't speak for all of 'em ;)
  4. Arthaey

    teaching myself to sign...<3

    You guys actually remind me a lot of programmer forums, where folks also have a tendency toward bluntness/honesty. (I consider this a good thing. :)) Can you recommend any specific YouTube videos that are of good quality?
  5. Arthaey

    Hating to use "spoken" English?

    Nitpick (In case my comment below comes off as harsh, I think the spirit of what you said was just that both people are trying to communicate in the way most comfortable for the other. So my comment is more a nitpick. I'm pretty sure you're well-meaning. :)) A Deaf person speaking English...
  6. Arthaey

    A way to induce temporary deafness?

    No no, that can't be true. I saw it in a movie! ;)
  7. Arthaey

    si5s to write ASL

    I hadn't hear that some states don't recognize unwritten languages. I can't say that I'm surprised, unfortunately. Governments aren't known for consulting linguists on linguistic matters. :( I want to make it very clear that I know ASL (and other sign languages) are complete languages, capable...
  8. Arthaey

    si5s to write ASL

    Disclaimer: I'm hearing, interested in languages of all kinds, but still very naive about ASL and Deaf culture. What do you guys think of this (relatively) new writing system for ASL, called "si5s"? Of the various systems I've seen, it looks the most usable (except for it not having a font...