Search results

  1. Arthaey

    Adjustment to late onset deafness

    There are plenty of gadgets that display visually how loud things are. Is there anything like that meant for oral D/deaf people to use to help them judge the appropriate loudness of their own voice when they speak?
  2. Arthaey

    ASL Idiom Question

    Hehe, thanks, warpedpink. :ty: What I would like to know, is what are the "give-aways", subtle or not, that let you know someone is culturally Deaf (or not)? (Besides the super-obvious "signs ASL" or "speaks English" ;)).
  3. Arthaey

    Tapatalk Forum app

    There's also Forum Runner, but that would have the same third-party concerns. Anij, thanks for the mobile link! I didn't know there was a mobile theme for the site. To be honest, though, I think the full site is more usable on my phone. The mobile version is missing "new posts" (since last...
  4. Arthaey

    ASL Idiom Question

    You know how you can sometimes just tell that a stranger walking down the street is a tourist? Even if they're dressed like you, they might have subtly different, "out of place" behaviors that give them away. Maybe you can't even put your finger on why you're so sure they're not from around...
  5. Arthaey

    Tapatalk Forum app

    Installing the mobile theme would also be acceptable. However, I'm wondering what you're concerned about. All posts on the forum are publicly viewable already. If you use unique password for the forum (ie, a password you don't reuse for more important accounts), then your security exposure is...
  6. Arthaey

    Tapatalk Forum app

    I would like this as well!
  7. Arthaey

    ASL Idiom Question

    I meant that the idiom "Deaf-strong" means "culturally Deaf". :)
  8. Arthaey

    ASL Idiom Question

    Deaf, with a capital D (actual Deaf folks or ASL signers, please correct me if I'm wrong!)
  9. Arthaey

    How did ASL grammar and English grammer get to be so different in the USA?

    If you (or anyone else reading this) has a mind that likes grammar and detailed explanations (I know that this is a minority of people!), you might search your local library for "American sign language linguistics" or "syntax" and see what you find. My library had several linguistic texts about...
  10. Arthaey

    si5s to write ASL

    Thanks Anij, I'm looking into SignWriting right now! I think it might make for good flashcards. :) It was difficult to use, I agree... But then again, I'm not sure how much is the fault of the system itself, vs my being unfamiliar with it. For example, I would find writing in Arabic or...
  11. Arthaey

    si5s to write ASL

    So I'm giving up on si5s; between the community reaction here and its inherent deficiencies I mentioned above, it just doesn't seem like a usable, useful system for anyone. Apparently some communities have adopted SignWriting (eg, Brazilian Sign Language) as a method of writing they actually...
  12. Arthaey

    Show Deaf/Hearing in User Profiles

    Ahhh, cool! I didn't know that was a feature of premium membership. Thanks!
  13. Arthaey

    Student won't watch me interpret! What should I do?

    Thanks, Reba! When put that way, that makes perfect sense. Thanks for your patience. :)
  14. Arthaey

    Student won't watch me interpret! What should I do?

    Would the parents/student be allowed to? If they had the money, and didn't like the school-provided interpreter (for whatever reason)? Or are there rules/laws against supplying your own interpreter and declining the school-provided one?
  15. Arthaey

    Problem with a co-worker

    Wow, that coworker sounds like a complete jerk. I'm surprised he managed to apologize in a way that felt sincere. I hope he really does "change his ways" and doesn't go back to the same horrible behavior!
  16. Arthaey

    ASL Students: Be honest, your reason???

    I'm learning ASL because I love languages. I can get by in Spanish, I can buy things & get directions in German, and I've taken a quarter of Japanese and Russian. I minored in linguistics in college. One of my hobbies is to create languages (just for fun). When they offered free ASL classes...
  17. Arthaey

    Student won't watch me interpret! What should I do?

    Do Deaf students (or their parents) ever do the hiring themselves, so that there is more of a relationship and continuity?
  18. Arthaey

    Show Deaf/Hearing in User Profiles

    Is there a way to add "Deaf" or "Hearing" to the user's mini-profile that appears to the left of every post? I see a lot of posts where people ask whether a user is hearing. I don't think most hearing folks are trying to hide that fact, so maybe we could save everyone time by including that...
  19. Arthaey

    si5s to write ASL

    I've started my ASL class now and actually tried using si5s. I must say, I was pretty disappointed that it seems to not encode z-axis of movement (only x vs y axis) and does not even seem to encode palm orientation! So while si5s's symbols seem the closest to a writing system that could...
  20. Arthaey

    si5s to write ASL

    Video recordings of sign language are equivalent to audio recordings of oral language. Both are real-time and capture 100% of the communication. In contrast to video or audio recordings, writing can be read faster (or slower) than real-time, at the expense of complete fidelity (among other...