Search results

  1. S

    Gimme Gimme Gimme!

    So cute squirrel!
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    Octuplets' grandmother faces foreclosure threat

    They should take all children and adopt them.
  3. S

    ExoriaX, The Gamer

    Cool :wave:
  4. S

    new here

    Welcome :wave:
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    Hi, Just discoverd I'm going deaf.

    Welcome :wave:
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    Hi from Texas

    Welcome :wave:
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    Hi from Bulgaria

    Welcome :wave:
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    Travis the monkey killed for going on a rampage while mental

    Too dangerous for pets. Zookeepers have lost fingers to chimpanzee.
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    Crazy woman miss her flight

    Pretty funny. Maybe she got what she want that way before. :lol:
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    HA avio3, REVERA and KIRKLAND

    Rivera is by Rexton, a division of Siemens.
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    I need help with my thesis

    It seems it is more the hearing parents that wants CI, and also people who were hearing and lost it. I don't really know any Deaf people who have CI.
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    Congratulations! :)
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    If you could...

    Build a fort in the woods.
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    Do you have the nerve of steel to be in this?

    Of course, it is very safe.
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    Silent Library

    :lol: Tough Japanese gamers!
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    21 bottles of beer on the wall. 21 bottles of beer. Time to replenish the bar supply, so we add one. 22 bottles of beer on the wall.
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    word game

    Doc Ock
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    Teaching Pre Schoolers ASL

    I would know!
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    Trump Filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

    Gambling usually profits in recession.
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    word game
