Search results

  1. S

    ABC Game

    Maguire (Tobey)
  2. S

    Hi from far away

    Welcome :wave:
  3. S

    Dessert Test

    #6 I am sweet! :lol:
  4. S

    TGIF! What are you doing this weekend?

    Go shopping for spring shoes, maybe some t-shirts.
  5. S


    Welcome :wave:
  6. S

    Lawmakers Want to Ban Eyeball Tattoos

    What an awful idea!
  7. S

    ABC Game

    Utah prairie dog
  8. S

    Hi from Texas

    Welcome :wave:
  9. S

    Hello from Sarasota, Fla

    Welcome :wave: Public school here.
  10. S

    TGIF! What are you doing this weekend?

    Visit with my family.
  11. S

    Deaf Division I athletes

    FOX Sports on MSN - COLLEGE FOOTBALL - DEAF ATHLETES Too few are given shot at big time
  12. S

    Arizona or Florida...Which?

    Arizona, if you are very attached to your family. :)
  13. S

    Hail Jiro?

    LSF would be your language there. American sign is based on it.
  14. S

    Presidential pets for Obama?

    Portuguese Water Spaniel and Irish Water Spaniel are both Poodle derivative. Poodle would be easier to find from shelters.
  15. S

    ABC Game

  16. S

    Please say a prayer for a close friend of mine...

    I pray for your friend.
  17. S

    Cute baby panda

    Very cute! :)
  18. S

    ABC Game
