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  1. S

    extreme ear pain...

    Earmolds do cause it to build up. So I think most deal with it at home. I think it is the body defense against the insert in the ear.
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    Giggle of the Day

    :lol: Very confusing!
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    extreme ear pain...

    :hmm: :jaw:
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    extreme ear pain...

    Mostly all people who wore hearing aids a long time are using a Q-tip. You must be careful of course, but need to clean the ear wax.
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    Rock Band 2 allows Anti-Deaf language in Song

    Sorry, you are right. It just seemed so outrageous.
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    Rock Band 2 allows Anti-Deaf language in Song

    You must be an idiot. That is lyrics from the rock opera "Tommy."
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    This hearing woman says that mental illness is a Myth - ASL video -- Bipolar Disorders Center -- Thought Errors People who suffer bipolar suffer thought errors. One common is "leaps of logic." No one here will convince a person suffering from this.
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    Why is the dog like to eat an earmolds?

    Plastics taste sweet to dogs. Antifreeze does too.
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    What is your stress relief?

    Go to the mall and walk around. Play video games. Read books.
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    Deaf Census-Come participate!

    I did register with them. :)
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    Wondering how they get meat for you?

    The cruelty is very sad. It is possible for food animals to be treated humanely.
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    extreme ear pain...

    Basic Anatomy In the adult, the eustachian tube can be visualized as two truncated cones attached at their narrowed ends. It runs from the middle ear to the nasopharynx and is approximately 31-38 mm in length. Its lumen is roughly triangular and has average diameter of 2-3 mm. The lumen is...
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    extreme ear pain...

    I think eustachian tube and you should see your MD for ear infection and your audiologist should have said so to you. Odd.
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    IVF and multiples. Is it right?

    I voted for it if embryos are limited in number.
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    Yuck! Poor Horse does not match with Loin or Tiger.

    It's a very sad example of animal cruelty. :(
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    This hearing woman says that mental illness is a Myth - ASL video

    :lol: Ok. I give up for tonight. Have a good evening. :)
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    This hearing woman says that mental illness is a Myth - ASL video

    Yes but do you think a schizophrenic circa 1300 did not have schizophrenia just because it was not yet named?
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    Heya from Canada

    I advise add battles!!:lol:
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    Heya from Canada

    Welcome, your picture looks like old RPG graphics.:wave:
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    This hearing woman says that mental illness is a Myth - ASL video

    When you agree with that, it is like saying that a schizophrenic with pre-scientific era diagosis of demon possession had demon possession since schizophrenia was yet unnamed.